J. Stalin - Fuk That [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: J. Stalin
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: The Mekanix

Tekst piosenki

The Mekanix

[Verse 1: J. Stalin]
Nah, I ain't trying to dance nigga fuck that
I done popped all these pills so where the love at
Where the bad bitches and the drugs at
Fuck that, I'm trying to bring hot street back
This molly got me hard as the concrete
My bitch call me Too $hort she know I been a freak
Where your friend at I need a two-piece
Put that pussy on my hair like a cuffie
Girl that ass so big and it juicy
Throw that pussy at me ain't gotta give me a roofie
I ain't got a lot of manners so excuse me
Fuck my dick, you can have it bitch use me
I don't give a fuck about no motherfucking floozy
Fuck you, I'm a dog like Snoopy
Bitch, your niggas dumb and they goofy
And I ain't never give a fuck about a groupie

[Hook: J. Stalin]
I don't care if you owe me a dollar nigga fuck that
Think I'm playin' bout money I be right back
That peace talk, I don't wanna hear none of that
Niggas think I'm playing, nigga fuck that (fuck that)
Fuck that (fuck that), fuck that (fuck that)
Niggas think I'm playing nigga fuck that
That peace talk I don't wanna hear none of that
Niggas think I'm playing I be right back

[Verse 2: J. Stalin]
Nigga I be right back like I never left
Smith & Wess with a teflon on my chest
All that arguing about who the best
Hands down niggas know he coming out the West
Bullets tearing through the flesh of you bitch niggas
I had the undertaker dig a ditch nigga
Livewire, the game run it with an iron fist nigga
I ain't worried about nothing but my chips nigga
Big banger, big bezel on my wrist nigga
Everytime I speak you with the thoughts of a drug dealer
Real nigga, horny motherfucker, pussy killer
Stop trying to treat me like I'm Tito when I'm Mike nigga
Busting down bands, going shopping with my white niggas
I get real skrilla, your bitch think I'm Godzilla
Slide through, shoot shit up on the (?)
Told 'em I be right back, you ain't even know nigga


[Verse 3: Too $hort]
Fuck the economy, fuck hard time
Fuck what your going through, gimme all mine
Every dime, you dreaming bout a brand new whip
What you finna flip, we'll take that shit, bitch
Trying to creep through the town
See your picture in the paper when we lay your ass down
Cause you ain't nothing but a clown
Another dead body was found
Is it true?
Was it you?
What them niggas do?
Fuck with Short Dogg, motherfucker you through
All you fake niggas gonna get it one day
Owing people money you don't ever wanna pay
Now they wanna kill you, they can't wait
It's the money or your life, it's too late
Can't pay 'em next week, or turn back time
Ned to stop being stupid and learn how to grind, BITCH


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Interpretacja piosenki

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