Jaden Smith - Rainbow Bap [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Jaden Smith
Album: CTV3: Cool Tape Vol. 3
Data wydania: 2020-08-14
Gatunek: Rap, Pop
Producent: Jaden Smith, OmArr

Tekst piosenki

Do you see it?
(Uh-oh, uh-oh)

[Verse 1]
He was a lost boy with rhythm
Heart broke, SYRE has risen
Look at the stars
It's all written, just hold the applause
I'm just gettin' started with it
It's not hot enough in the kitchen
They sayin' it's lit
I guess I'm the one thinkin' different
I'm slick with it, a lotta change
Man, I'm Slick Rick and I don't pivot
I'm like Pippen hittin' six swishes in six seconds
Autonomous whippin' while whole colonies are poverty strickin'
Young nigga they ain't stoppin' and drippin' the way I dribble the rock
They gotta watch how the rocks are glistenin'
Blood diamonds, ancestors fightin' with colonists
Know your history, inherit the confidence
It's apparent and obvious
I'm the young KRS in your providence
And this air that we're breathin' is consciousness
Every lyric is prominent (I feel it)

Just another cold mornin' in Paris, I know
I wish I was takin' you home
But I ain't takin' the long train no more (Too far)
You don't care about me and it's tough, girl
And I'm tryna feel your love but I'm not fucked up enough
Man, what a pity New York City lights glow
How many times I gotta tell you niggas that I'm home?

[Verse 2]
Girl, I ain't finna lie, you gorgeous
We should go to Malibu, let's go to Florence
Rainbow on your aura
Girl, you soakin' up the sun like a tourist (Okay)
Another place, she an explorer
I'm drinkin' and I'm tellin' her things I'm not sure of
Cancun to Angora
Couldn't find more of a wavy baby
We endin' our month in Bora Bora

All this time and you're still on my mind, yeah you know

[Verse 3]
Girl, I ain't tryna leave, I'll be right back (Why?)
Left the crib without the top, need a nightcap (Yeah)
I'm just lookin' at the stars for my path
I'm serious and get with you, the lyrics all facts
They pop off, you tell 'em, "Relax"
I drop off the bars and dash let the sunset in the back (Wow)
And the boy's light as a feather in fact
At least we can be together now forever but if we could fly through a pink sky, we would never go back

Just another cold mornin' in Paris, I know
I wish I was takin' you home
But I ain't takin' the long train no more (Too far)
You don't care about me and it's tough, girl
And I'm tryna feel your love but I'm not fucked up enough
Man, what a pity New York City lights glow (Why?)
How many times I gotta tell you niggas that I'm home?

[Verse 4]
We was seventeen years old
At Cartier, we had a cop
Flowing in my room, it made feel like I'm an astronaut (Astronaut)
Niggas mad, how I, acrobat the vocabular
And they whack, these facts just ain't adding up
I'm back with the math raps, like the boy invented the abacus
Less of a rapper more of a strategist
Gotta know that money can't buy happiness
You gotta have a long arm still in the hills throwing up charcoals
Shit ain't changed, nigga, I'm still the saddest kid up in the game
Think about you, girl, I do that every day
Thoughts I was havin', blew that shit away
When I call you, I just don't know what to say

Just another cold mornin' in Paris, I know
I wish I was takin' you home
But I ain't takin' the long train no more (Too far)
You don't care about me and it's tough, girl
And I'm tryna feel your love but I'm not fucked up enough
Man what a pity New York City lights glow
How many times I gotta tell you niggas that I'm home?

Higher the view
I wish you could see how it feels
Took three shots, don't drip-drop
[?] that'll never last
Do the math, baby do the math
But I called a cab and [?]
Girl, I know you smilin'
Movin' away for a while
Oh girl, [?]

Baby girl, you lie on my pillow sheets
Cry all night, make peace with you, I try
I never got to say goodbye
I'm somewhere in the sky
Singin' twisted lullabies

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Interpretacja piosenki

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"Rainbow Bap' to drugi singiel, po wydanym 23 lipca 2020 roku utworze zatytułowanym "Cabin Fever", który promuje nadchodzący album studyjny Jaden'a Smith'a pod tytułem "CTV3: Cool Tape Vol. 3." Premiera wydawnictwa została zapowiedziana na 28 sierpnia 2020 roku - na dwa tygodnie od premiery drugiego singla.


Okładka projektu "CTV3: Cool Tape Vol. 3.", podobnie jak grafiki poszczególnych singli  są w bardzo wyraźny sposób zainspirowane okładką albumu The Beatles z 1967 roku, zatytułowanego "Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band." Sam Jaden przyznał, że jest to jego "ulubiony album wszechczasów."


Historie opisywane w "CTV3" sprawiają, że pod względem tematycznym album stanowi prequel do wydawnictwa pod tytułem "SYRE." W albumie wyjaśnione zostaje to w jaki sposób SYRE został uwięziony w zachodzie słońca. Wszystkie wydarzenia mają miejsce gdy ten ma od piętnastu do siedemnastu lat.


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