James Bond - GoldenEye Script [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: James Bond
Producent: MGM

Tekst piosenki

Our story begins with the classic 007 opening, except this time it’s Pierce Brosnan wearing the tux.
1 - Ext. Top of Dam - Day
A plane does a fly-by over a dam as a security gate slides open. A man in combat black runs across the top of the tall dam. He clips a rope to his ankle and the railing...and jumps off the side. As he sails down, he pulls out a gun-type thing and shoots it. A wire follows attaching in concrete and pulling the man down to....
“Archangel Chemical Weapons Facility, USSR”
Cut to a laser burning through a metal wall, being shot by the man with the gunthing. We see a blue eye, but we haven’t seen this guy’s face yet.....
2 - Int. Bathroom - Day
Inside the plant, we cut to the men’s room, where we see Russians walking around. Above one of the stalls...
“Man in black’s” P.O.V. - a Soviet in uniform sitting on the can, reading a newspaper titled Pravda ("The Truth").
The man in black takes the steel grate out and we see a silhouette. Soviet’s P.O.V. - The newspaper, printed in Russian, duh. He pulls the paper back to reveal.... James Bond. Hanging upside down from a vent. He flashes a grin.
BOND: Beg your pardon, forgot to knock.
007 punches out the Soviet and slips down.
3 - Int. Hallway - Same time
Bond slips un-noticed through dim halls, wielding his Walther PPK with a silencer on it. He spots a butcher loading meat onto a cart, and he walks up to an opening where he sees soldiers eating. As he turns away...another dark shadow points a gun at him...and says something.
SHADOW: (Russian) Where have you been? Where are your companions?
BOND: I’m alone.
Alec Trevelyan, 006, steps into the light. He's around Bond's general age and built. Blond with cold eyes...
ALEC: Aren’t we all? You’re late 007.
BOND: I had to stop in the bathroom.
ALEC: Ready to save the world again?
BOND: After you, 006.
They remove another steel grate.
ALEC: James, for England.
BOND: For England, Alec.
4 - Int. Hall - Day
Bond’s blue eyes spot someone in the hall. Waiting ‘til the coast is clear, he jumps out of the vent in the floor while Alec climbs out. Both men walk down the hall. Alec enters a laboratory with a plate-glass window and shoots the guy inside. Meanwhile, Bond has a device plugged into and ID card slot with a number pad under it. He waits for a click,
and the door unlocks. Both men walk inside....
5 - Int. Gas room - Day
...A room filled with nerve gas tanks.
BOND: It’s too easy.
ALEC: Half of everything is luck, James.
Alec turns and plugs the device into the same panel, jamming the door.
BOND: And the other half?
ALEC: Fate!
A red light sounds, signaling the alarm of the plant. The men run down the stairs.
ALEC: Set timers to six minutes!
BOND: Six minutes, check.
A few Soviets burst through a door, 006 shoots them. Bond starts to arm a little explosive timer. A digital clock pops up...6.00. James and Alec scurry around behind the gas tanks planting the timers. An ugly-looking Soviet commander, Ourumov, stands behind a plexi-glass window.
Soldiers fire their guns, breaking the window. 006 and 007 are still planting the timers.
ALEC: Closing time, James! Last call!
BOND: Buy me a pint!
The Soviets pour through the opening. Trevelyan fires at them.
OURUMOV (O.S.): I am Colonel Ourumov. Come out with your hands above your heads!
While planting a timer...
BOND: How original.
More Soviets pour through a door.
BOND: Shut the door, Alec! There’s a draft!
No answer.
BOND: Alec?!
He looks for 006. Alec in kneeling under the gun of Ourumov. Thirty soldiers all have their guns pointed at Bond.
OURUMOV: Move out! Throw down your weapon and walk towards me. Slowly.
ALEC: Finish the job, James! Blow them all to hell!
OURUMOV: You have 10 seconds. 10...9...8...
Bond goes back to the detonator he just planted and sets it for 3.00.
OURUMOV: ....7...6..5...4..
Bond throws his weapon on the floor, puts his hands behind his head and approaches Ourumov.
OURUMOV: ...3......2....
ALEC: For England, James!!
BOOM. Alec is silenced. He flops over. The Soviet soldiers fire their automatic rifles.
Bond retreats behind the tanks again.
OURUMOV: Hold your fire! You’ll blow the gas tanks!
They do. Bond recovers his gun.
OURUMOV: This is your last chance! Come out with your hands above your head....
Ourumov’s P.O.V. - a dark shadow moves behind a cart with tanks piled on it. The soldiers raise their guns...
Bond moves slowly with the cart acting as a shield. Ourumov seems amused....one soldier thinks he can get a shot off...and fires. Bond retreats farther behind the cart. Ourumov turns and shoots the guy in the face...he warned him.
OURUMOV: You can’t win.
Yeah, sure. Bond quickly hits the “on” button to a conveyer belt leading outside. He jumps on and fires the assault rifle. The Soviets fire back, but Bond hits the grate to a storage area above their heads. More gas tanks pour out on the Soviets. And Bond tumbles down the conveyer belt onto...
6 - Ext. Runway - Day
Bond sees a small plane....his ticket outta here. More soldiers burst through a hangar door and what’s behind door number 2...even more pour out onto the runway. Bond crouches behind some piping and fires, hitting a few. The gun runs out and he dashes through the snow toward the plane. We hear Ourumov’s shouting in the backround.
OURUMOV: Hold your fire!
Cut to 1000 yards out: the facility is on a mountain-top. Cliffs, very high up. Back to the action...Bond runs down the plane and drags himself inside, fights with the pilot. Now there’s soldiers chasing Bond on motorcycles. Both 007 and the pilot tumble out of the plane. A motorcycle runs over the pilot, causing the bike to throw its rider. Bond
jumps on the bike and chases the runaway plane.
The plane sails off the cliff, and so does the motorcycle with 007 still on it. He flies off the bike and sails to the dive-bombing plane. He grabs the open door and pulls himself inside and into the pilot’s seat. Uh-oh! The stick’s not working, not responding! Oh crap!
We see Bond’s blue eyes start to panic...then just in time the plane soars upward as the chemical weapons facility explodes.

Fade up on...

Title Sequence, scored by “GoldenEye” sung by Tina Turner

7 - Int. Car/Ext. Road - Day
We shoot onto an open road with the vrroom of an engine behind us. James’ personal choice of car, a silver Aston Martin DB5, license plate BMT 216A. The DB5 swerves around a tight corner at 90 mph. Fade up title...
“Nine Years Later”
Bond, of course, is behind the wheel and a young woman sits beside him, visibly agitated. Her name is Caroline, but it doesn’t come up in the text.
CAROLINE: James, is it really necessary to drive quite so fast?!
BOND: More often than you’d think.
A red Ferrari comes into view in the rear mirror.
CAROLINE: I enjoy a spirited ride as much as the next girl...
James flashes an intoxicating grin...as the Ferrari pulls up beside him. There’s a beautiful brunette behind the wheel. James loves this...
CAROLINE: Who’s that?
BOND: The next girl.
The Ferrari passes him and plays a little road rash...nearly crashing into an oncoming tractor, spinning out of the way. James is loving every minute. Caroline is now really pissed off...
CAROLINE: James, stop this! Stop it! I know what you’re doing...
BOND: Really? What’s that, dear?
CAROLINE: You’re just trying to show off the size of your...your...
BOND: Engine?
BOND: Here we are having a pleasant drive in the country and you’ve got to bring psychology into it.
CAROLINE: Well, I was just sent out here to evaluate you.
BOND: Let’s try and put that behind us, shall we?
The DB5 and Ferrari are still doin’ 90 around a corner when a pack of cyclists are pedaling up a hill. 007 let’s the car pass him...
BOND: Ladies first.
Caroline seems to be praying. The red Ferrari brushes past the first biker, knocking him down and the rest fall over in succession. Caroline’s had enough.
CAROLINE: James, I want you to stop this car!
BOND: Really?
James pulls the brake and the car screeches to a halt. He puts his arm around her.
BOND: As you can see, I have no problem with female authority.
She flips open a box with two glasses and a bottle of Bollinger champagne in it. She looks pleased for once.
CAROLINE: James, you’re incorrigible. What am I going to do with you?
He moves in closer....
BOND: Let’s toast your evaluation, shall we?
They kiss...
BOND: A very...thorough...evaluation.
She giggles, they kiss and we pan up on the skyline of Monte Carlo.
8 - Ext. Posh party - Night
The Astor Martin DB5 drives up to a elegant-looking hotel, with a parking valet.
VALET: (French) Good evening Mr. Bond. Nice to see you tonight.
BOND: (French) Good evening, Pierre. How are things?
Valet: (French) Very good, and you?
Bond steps out of the DB5, looking dashing as usual in a tailored tuxedo, his black hair combed back. He spots the red Ferrari, parked. He enters the casino.
8 - Int. Hotel/Casino - Night
Bond enters a ritzy lobby and nears a baccarat table. The dealer and a couple of people sit around playing.
DEALER: Sept à la banque. Ma’dam wins.
We pan up on the driver of the expensive Italian sports car, who wears a black dress. Her name is Xenia Onatopp.
DEALER: Mademoiselle? Monsieurs. Ladies and Gentlemen? Players.
Bond sits down at the table as Xenia is lighting up a cigar.
BOND: Banko.
They proceed to play the game.
BOND: It appears we share the same passions. Well, three anyway.
XENIA: I count two. Motoring and...uh...baccarat.
She shows he cards
DEALER: Huit à la banque.
Bond shows his cards.
DEALER: Seven. Ma’dam wins.
XENIA: I hope the third is where your real talent lies.
BOND: One rises to meet a challenge.
They place their bets.
XENIA: Doubler.
BOND: Suivi.
The dealer nods his head and passes cards. Bond looks at them.
BOND: Carte.
Xenia shows her cards.
DEALER: Ma’dam stands with five.
Bond shows his cards.
DEALER: Six. Ma’dam loses.
Xenia is obviously mad.
XENIA: (Russian)Dammit! (English) Enjoy it. While it lasts.
BOND: The very words I live by.
She gets up from the table. James follows.
BOND: And what words do you live by?
XENIA: The trick is to quit while you’re still ahead.
BOND: That’s one trick I never learned.
He signals for a waiter to come over.
BOND: Perhaps you’ll show me how it’s done.
The waiter approaches them. Here we go folks....
BOND: Vodka Martini. Shaken, not stirred. And for you?
XENIA: The same.
Bond is entranced.
BOND: How do you take it?
XENIA: Straight up. With a twist.
The waiter scurries away. Xenia fingers her cigar. So, she likes to play...
XENIA: Thank you, Mr....
BOND: The name’s Bond. James Bond.
XENIA: Xenia Zargeneva Onatopp.
BOND: Onatopp?
XENIA: Onatopp.
BOND: Your accent, Georgian?
XENIA: Very good Mr. Bond. You’ve been to Russia?
BOND: Not recently, I used to drop in occasionally. Shoot in and out.
XENIA: It’s very different now. The land of opportunity.
BOND: With a new Ferrari in every garage?
XENIA: No, not quite. That belongs to a friend.
BOND: A tip for your friend: the French registration plates for this year’s models start with the letter ‘L’. Even the counterfeit ones.
Xenia is startled.
XENIA: Oh, and what rank do you hold with the Motor Vehicles Department, Mr. Bond?
BOND: Commander.
Now a man steps up to Xenia. He’s a bald dude with a red beard. Looks like a Canadian Admiral.
ADMIRAL: Should we go?
XENIA: This one is an Admiral.
BOND: I like a woman who enjoys pulling rank.
XENIA: Nice to meet you, Mr. Bond.
She sounds really annoyed, and she storms away with the Canadian. Bond watches her.
BOND: The pleasure, I’m sure, was all mine.
9 - Ext. Amphitheater - Night
People are gathered on stone benches in an open amphitheater watching two ladies perform an act. One woman hands a rose to another girl dressed as a porcelain doll. The lady proceeds to control the ‘doll’ as she walks like a puppet over to a man in the audience. He takes it and the audience claps. Meanwhile, Bond walks up the stone stairs to the top of the theater, overlooking water. Bond’s P.O.V. - the Ferrari pulls up, and Xenia and the Admiral get out. Bond takes out a camera-thing from his pocket, and zooming in, he takes a picture of Xenia and the Canadian boarding a motorboat to take her to a yacht. Bond takes a picture of the boat - ‘Manticore’- and walks back to his DB5.
10 - Ext. DB5 / Int. DB5 - Night
Before Bond gets into his car, he notices a very sophisticated, stealthy helicopter perched on top of a battleship. He gets in the car and pushes a button on the stereo. A piece of paper with the info of the pictures he just took. A voice starts...it’s Moneypenny. Bond looks at the pictures.
MONEYPENNY: (V.O.) Transmission begins from Monypenny. Identification confirmed. Onatopp, Xenia. Ex-Soviet fighter pilot. Current suspected links to the Janus crime syndicate, St. Petersburg. Yacht Manticore is leased to a known Janus corporate front. M authorizes you to observe Miss Onatopp but stipulates no...contact...without prior
approval. End transmission, Moneypenny. Good night, James. I trust you’ll stay...onatopp of things.
Bond smirks. He knows exactly what she means. So do we....
11 - Int. Yacht Manticore - Night
Xenia literally JUMPS on the Admiral. She’s in some black lingerie. They kiss ferociously, she bites him. Then she whispers something, flips him over and crushes his rib cage with her legs. The Admiral’s in a lot of PAIN.
ADMIRAL: Xenia! I can’t BREATHE!!!
Xenia grins and squeezes harder. A hand reaches into the Admiral’s coat, which is draped over a chair, and pulls out his Department of Defense ID card.
12 - Ext. Bay - Day
A motorboat speeds through the water.
13 - Ext. Yacht Manticore - Day
Bond waits for a man in a striped shirt to pass before he jumps up on to the deck on the yacht. He walks toward a sliding glass door, opens it and enters.
14 - Int. Yacht Manticore - Day
Furnished with leather furniture, Bond makes his way to a window where he sees the motorboat speeding to the battleship with the chopper on the deck. He looks down into a brass doorknob and sees the reflection of the guy in the striped shirt coming at him. Bond spins around with a towel and knocks him down, then throws him down the stairs by wrapping the towel around his head. 007 wipes his face with the towel.
15 - Ext. Battleship - Day
Across the bay, cars let off Naval, Army and Air Force Officers of different countries, as well as their escorts. A gloved hand shows the Admiral’s ID card for the Department of National Defense. We’re pretty sure it isn’t the Admiral... A band plays, officers mill around. The Captain salutes the ‘Admiral’.
CAPTAIN: My respects, Admiral.
The officer kisses the hand of Xenia, who is standing beside the ‘Admiral’.
CAPTAIN: Delighted to have you aboard, mademoiselle.
An emcee starts to talk.
M.C.: Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats on the upper deck for the demonstration of the aircraft.
16 - Int. Yacht - Day
Bond is still looking around the boat, this time with the Walther drawn. He bursts through a door, looks in a cabinet. He’s in a bedroom now. James opens the closet door and... The dead body of Admiral Chuck Farrel falls stiffly to the floor, naked. Bond is a little stunned...
17 - Ext. Yacht - Day
Bond hops into a motorboat docked beside the yacht. He starts it up and drives toward the warship.
18 - Ext. Battleship - Day
We see the chopper up close now...jeez! air-to-air missiles, heat-seekers, guns up the wazoo...the whole nine yards.
M.C.: What you are about to see in operation is Europe’s answer to the electronic battlefield. The first working prototype of the Tiger helicopter. Uniquely maneuverable, the Tiger not only uses stealth technology, it is the only helicopter to be hardened against all forms of electronic interference, radio jamming and electro-magnetic radiation.
19 - Int. Hall - Day
Two pilots in blue flight suits, clutching helmets make their way outside to the chopper. They are stopped by Xenia, wearing a revealing dress. She whistles to get their attention. The pilots turn. She speaks seductively...
XENIA: Shh. I have a small surprise from your friends back at the barracks.
One pilot turns to the other and grins.
PILOT: I think I’ve gone to Heaven!
XENIA: Not yet.
She whips out a pistol and shoots both of them. Xenia is shown next wearing one of the blue flight suits and the helmet with the visor down.
20 - Ext. Landing Pad - Day
M.C. (O.S.): Now let’s welcome the pilots...Lt. Commander Bernard Jobert and Lt. Francois Bruse.
The ‘pilots’ wave and board the helicopter. Bond is now on the warship RUNNING toward the Tiger, but he is pushed against the wall by 2 burly guards. They all watch the Tiger take off. Fade out....
21 - Ext. Northern Russia - Evening
A dog team runs through the snow near...Fade up title...
“Space Weapons Control Centre, Severnaya, Russia”
A desolate area, wind blowing snow around a building with a HUGE satellite dish on top of it.
22 - Int. Weapons Centre - Evening
A bunch of monitors, computers, electronic map of the world occupy the area. We hear a voice..
WOMAN (O.S.): Select MIR. Autographic projection.
We pan to the right to reveal Natalya Simonova, a beautiful computer programmer, seated at a computer with postcards of a tropical beach taped to the side.
NATALYA: Compute possible intercept with second stage geo-set two.
Whatever that means. We show the monitor. Up pops a window “Enter Password” along with a graphic of a woman in a bikini. Natalya sighs and looks at a guy in a chair, playing with a pen like an idiot. Leather jacket, greasy hair, wire-rim glasses. This program was obviously designed by this dude. Natalya looks to the woman behind her.
Anna looks up from her monitor and is obviously disgusted.
ANNA: He wouldn’t know a woman if one came up and sat on his head!
Natalya laughs.
NATALYA: Bor-ris!
Boris is still playing with the pen.
BORIS: What?
She signals to her monitor.
BORIS: I thought I’d post it on the Internet, no?
NATALYA: What’s the password?
BORIS: I made it easy this time. Even you should be able to break it, borsht-for-brains. Alright, alright, I’ll give you a hint. They’re right in front of you, and can open very large doors.
She types in “Knockers”.
NATALYA: You’re such a geek.
We hear an alarm. They turn to Boris’ computer.
BORIS: Yes! I’m in!
He rolls over to his P.C. and grins.
NATALYA: You’ve hacked into the U.S. Department on Justice. You know what will happen if they trace it here?
BORIS: The Chief of Computers will call me a genius, move me to Moscow, and give me a million bucks hard currency. I think not. Besides, the Americans are slugheads, they’ll never detect me.
Up pops a window “Unauthorized Access Detected”.
NATALYA: You’re saying, slughead.
BORIS: Nobody screws with Boris Grishenko.
He types something and up pops a window “Send Spike”.
BORIS: Spiked them!
NATALYA: Come on, Boris...
BORIS: No way! I spiked them!
“Initiate Search Program. Enter Password”.
NATALYA: Alright, what’s the password?
BORIS: I’m not going to tell you.
NATALYA: OK, let me guess. It’s not in front of me?
Boris shakes his head.
BORIS: You sit on it, but you can’t take it with you.
Boris types in 5 characters. A map pops up on-screen. A red line connects cities.
BORIS: My program seizes the phone line of whoever’s tracing me and jams their modem so they get hung up. Now the hunted becomes the hunter.
An F.B.I. screen pops up.
BORIS: Whoo!
He types....
BORIS: “Better luck next time, Slugheads!” BAM! GONE! I am invincible!!
Boris leaps up triumphantly with his arms in the air. Other technicians just look at him. He turns to Natalya.
BORIS: Was it good for you, too?
She’s annoyed with him.
NATALYA: I’m getting some coffee.
She walks away.
BORIS: I’m going for a cigarette.
23 - Ext. Facility - Evening
A sliding door opens and Boris outside with a parka on. Buurrr! Cold! He bites a beat-up cigarette and lights a zippo. The lighter blows out, and Boris looks up and sees... The Tiger helicopter fighting the wind, landing in the snow. The cockpit opens, Xenia and Ourumov jump out.
24 - Int. Severnaya Kitchen - Evening
Natalya is getting a cup of coffee.
25 - Int. Hallway - Evening
Xenia and Ourumov walk down a hallway and stop at a little box on the wall: a voice-identification system.
OURUMOV: General Akadi Gregorovich Ourumov, head of Space Division.
A door opens. Xenia and Ourumov enter...
26 - Int. Severnaya Control Room - Evening
A soldier hurries to address the General. He salutes.
MAJOR: General, if I’d known...
OURUMOV: You’d have been ready. This is an unscheduled test of the Severnaya facility, Major. War simulation. We are going to test via GoldenEye. Report the status.
MAJOR: Two operational satellites, Sir. Petya and Mischa. Both in 90 minute Earth orbit at 100 kilometers.
He takes out an authority card.
OURUMOV: Here is the authorization code. Now the GoldenEye and today’s access numbers for satellite Petya, please.
He looks at his watch.
OURUMOV: I am timing you.
The Major scurries away, slides the card through a slot and presses his hand on an ID pad. The metal wall opens...revealing a square disk with a large golden crystal in the center: The GoldenEye. The Major takes the GoldenEye and two keys from its safe and hands them to the General.
OURUMOV: Good. Thank you, Major.
Natalya notices something is going on from her position in the kitchen. Xenia cocks an automatic rifle and shoots every technician in the room. She is visibly enjoying herself. Natalya is still in the kitchen, scared to death. Bodies of her co-workers lay everywhere. Ourumov walks toward a large control panel and slides the GoldenEye in a slot, and
hands a key to Xenia. They slide the keys in...
OURUMOV: On my count...3...2...1!
They turn the keys at the same time. It activates the electronic map on the wall.
OURUMOV: Set target. Severnaya.
Xenia types in something. Russia lights up in red.
OURUMOV: Arm the weapon.
She types once again. Ourumov flips a plastic cover and twists the red dial inside.
27 - Space
A satellite in orbit breaks off its protective cover. CCCP is printed on the side.
28 - Int. Control Room - Evening
Xenia types in a firing code.
29 - Space
The satellite spreads its thrusters.
30 - Int. Control Room - Evening
An alarm sounds “Weapon Armed”. They hear a noise, and Natalya runs back into the kitchen.
OURUMOV: Check it.
Xenia grabs her gun and runs down to a person who managed to send a distress signal. She shoots him again.
31 - Int. Kitchen - Evening
Natalya notices a vent in the ceiling. Maybe she can escape that way....
32 - Int. Control Room - Evening
OURUMOV: Their best response time is 19 minutes. They’ll be late.
33 - Ext. Russian Air Base - Evening
Three pilots sprint to their aircrafts while an alarm sounds.
34 - Int. Control Room - Evening
Xenia decides to check the kitchen. She notices some spilled coffee. She bends down and touches it, still hot. She spots the opened vent in the ceiling and fires at it. Meanwhile, Ourumov secures the GoldenEye and keys inside a briefcase. Both walk out.
XENIA: It’s clean. I had to ventilate someone.
We see a digital timer counting down.
35 - Space
The satellite moves into position.
36 - Ext. Facility - Evening
Xenia and the General load into the chopper and take off.
37 - Ext. Air base - Evening
The three MiGs take off.
38 - Ext. MI6 building - Night
We see the MI6 building as a double-decker bus passes.
39 - Int. Moneypenny’s office - Night
Bond makes his way to Miss Moneypenny’s office. She’s inside wearing an elegant black dress. James loves this.
BOND: Good evening, Moneypenny.
She looks up and sees James standing in the doorway.
MONEYPENNY: Good evening, James. M will meet you in the situation room. I’m to take you straight in.
She walks past him. He watches.
BOND: I’ve never seen you after hours, Moneypenny, lovely.
MONEYPENNY: Thank you, James.
BOND: Out on some professional assignment? Dressing to kill?
They start to walk down a hall.
MONEYPENNY: I know you’ll find this crushing, 007, but I don’t sit at home every night praying for some international incident so I can run down here all dressed up to impress James Bond. I was on a date, if you must know, with a gentleman. We went to the theater together.
She presses a few buttons.
BOND: Moneypenny, I’m devastated. What would I ever do without you?
MONEYPENNY: As far as I can remember, James, you’ve never had me.
The elevator stops and they step out. Bond moves in closer.
BOND: Hope, spring is eternal.
MONEYPENNY: You know, this sort of behavior could qualify as sexual harassment.
BOND: Really, what’s the penalty for that?
MONEYPENNY: Someday you have to make good on your innuendoes.
Another door slides open. James keeps staring at her.
BOND: After you, Moneypenny.
MONEYPENNY: No, I insist. You first.
Bond walks through the door into...
40 - Int. Situation room - Night
Common “Situation Room”. Satellite photo on the wall, computers, monitors everywhere.
Bill Tanner approaches Bond.
TANNER: Good Evening, Mr. Bond.
BOND: Tanner, What’s up?
TANNER: Sixteen minutes ago, we intercepted a distress call from a supposedly abandoned radar station at Severnaya. Look what the satellite picked up.
We see a satellite photo on a computer monitor. Pictured is what looks like a bird’s-eye-view of a helicopter. They zoom in on the image.
TANNER (O.S.): We found a match. Your missing Tiger.
The computer does a scan of the aircraft.
BOND (O.S.): In the middle of northern Russia.
TANNER: Seems like your hunch was right, 007. Too bad the evil queen of numbers won’t let you play it.
Bond clears his throat, signaling that she’s right behind him. Tanner cringes, and turns around...slowly. There’s M. A woman with short gray hair, face as hard as stone and a disposition to match.
M: You were saying?
TANNER: No, I was just...uh...
M: Good, because if I want sarcasm, Mr. Tanner, I’ll talk to my children, thank you very much. (Pause) Good evening, 007.
BOND: Good evening, M.
M: The Prime Minister’s waiting for an update. Proceed with your briefing, Mr. Tanner.
TANNER: Thank you. After the distress signal, your helicopter took off, and the Russians scrambled these three MiGs here to intercept it.
He walks to the satellite photo on the wall.
BOND (O.S.): What do you think the Russians were using the base for?
TANNER: Well at one point, we suspected that Severnaya might be the ground station for a secret space-based weapon system called GoldenEye, but...
M: Our statistical analysis saw they had neither the finance or technology to implement it.
BOND: Numbers were never my strong suite.
M just stares at him.
BOND: Are these pictures live?
Tanner starts to say something when...
M: Unlike the American government, we prefer not to get our bad news from CNN.
41 - Ext. Russian sky - Night
The three MiGs soar through the sky at Mach 2.
42 - Int. Severnaya kitchen - Night
We see a cabinet door open, a pair of eyes peek out. Natalya crawls out.
43 - Ext. Russian sky - Night
The MiGs do a fly-by of the Severnaya facility.
MiG Pilot: Negative, so far. Everything seems normal.
44 - Int. Severnaya - Night
Natalya stands among the bodies of her late co-workers. An alarm sounds. “Time to target...3...2...1!” Oh crap.
45 - Space
The satellite gives off a blinding light and a pulse surges.
46 - Ext. Severnaya - Night
A surge ripples though the ground and the dish begins to short circuit.
47 - Int. Severnaya - Night
Electrical explosions fill the room, and Natalya runs and dives under a metal staircase.
48 - Int. MI6 Situation Room - Night
The satellite picture on the wall fizzles out. Nothing but static.
TANNER: What the bloody hell was that?
M is in deep thought.
49 - Ext. Russian sky - Night
The MiGs start to short circuit, all the controls go haywire, the pilot screams. The jet goes down, two explode in mid-air. The third is still careening toward the dish. It crashes into it and explodes.
50 - Int. Severnaya -Night
A pipe breaks right next to Natalya’s head. She leaps up from her hiding place, screaming. She trips on a body and falls. Above her, the rig holding up a bunch of TV monitors comes crashing down, and stops just before crushing her.
51 - Ext. Severnaya - Night
The dish is still exploding....
52 - Int. Severnaya - Night
Natalya covers up Anna with a cloth. She’s crying now as she walks to the little voice ID box in the hallway.
NATALYA: Natalya Fiodorovna Simonova.
The bars don’t move, duh, the box is obviously busted.
She hears a creak above her. She looks up and walks away. The dish comes CRASHING down, through the roof! Natalya’s really scared now...but...
53 - Ext. Severnaya - Night
Natalya climbs out the newly revealed exit. From afar we see her, surrounded by fire.
NATALYA: Boris!? Boris!?
54 - Int. MI6 Situation Room - Night
Tanner’s on the phone.
TANNER: Thanks.
He hangs up.
TANNER: Our satellite’s knocked out. So are two of the Americans’. We have another coming into range...now.
The satellite picture on the wall comes back on.
TANNER: Good God. Two of the MiGs are down...
They look at a monitor.
M: And it looks like the third went into the dish.
M turns to Bond, who is still studying the wall.
M: What do you think?
BOND: No lights. Not one single electric light on a thirty-mile radius. (Pause) EMP?
TANNER: Would account for the MiGs and the satellite.
BOND: And the blackout.
Tanner turns to M.
TANNER: Electro-Magnetic Pulse. First strike satellite weapon developed by the...uh..
M: The Americans and Soviets during the Cold War. I read the brief. Discovered after Hiroshima. Set off a nuclear device in the upper atmosphere, creates a pulse; a radiation surge that destroys everything with an electronic circuit.
TANNER: The idea being to knock out the enemy’s communication before he, she or they could retaliate.
M: So, GoldenEye exists.
BOND: Yes.
M: Could this be an accident?
BOND: No. The helicopter. If you wanted to steal the GoldenEye it’s the perfect getaway vehicle. Setting off the blast was the ideal way to wipe out any trace of the crime.
M: The Janus Group?
BOND: They may have been involved with the helicopter.
He moves to a computer.
BOND: I know the Russian fail-safe systems. You just can’t walk in and ask for the keys to he bomb. You need the access codes.
On the computer, James zooms in on a small white object, moving. It appears to be a person. (It’s Natalya)
BOND (O.S.): There had to be an insider.
He looks closer at the monitor.
BOND: And at least one person probably knows who it is.
55 - Ext. Severnaya - Night
Natalya falls into the snow. She hears sled dogs, she runs toward them. We see a dog team.
56 - Int. M’s Office - Night
M is on the phone.
M: Very well, Sir. Thank you, good night.
She hangs up and turns to Bond.
M: The Prime Minister’s talked to Moscow. They’re saying it was an accident during a routine training exercise.
007 is seated in a chair, hands folded neatly
BOND: Governments change. The lies stay the same.
M walks around from behind her desk.
M: What else do we know about the Janus Syndicate?
BOND: Top-flight arms dealers headquartered in St. Petersburg. First outfit to reach north the Iraqis during the Gulf War. Their head man in unreliably described, no photographs. The woman, Onatopp, is our only confirmed contact.
M: Would you care for a drink?
BOND: Um...thank you. Your predecessor kept some Cognac in the top drawer…
M: I prefer Bourbon.
She pours the drinks.
M: Ice?
BOND: Yes.
She hands a glass to him.
M: We pulled the files on anyone who might had access or authority at Severnaya. Top name on our list is a friend of yours, I understand...
She sits at her desk and presses a button. A screen in back of her appears with Ourumov’s ugly face on it.
BOND: Ourumov. They made him a general.
M: He sees himself as the next ‘I’ man if Russia. Which is why our political analysts rule him out. He doesn’t fit the profile of a traitor.
Bond is a little annoyed...
BOND: Are these the same analysts who said GoldenEye couldn’t exist, who said the helicopter posed no immediate threat, and wasn’t worth following?!
M: You don’t like me, Bond. You don’t like my methods. You think I’m an accountant, a bean counter, more interested in my members than your instincts.
BOND: The thought had occurred to me.
M: Good, because I think you’re a sexist, misogynist dinosaur. A relic of the Cold War, whose boyish charms though wasted on me obviously appeal to the young woman I sent out to evaluate you.
Bond takes a sip of his drink.
BOND: Point taken.
M: Not quite, 007.
She’s got his attention.
M: If you think for one moment I don’t have the balls to send a man out to die, your instincts are dead wrong. I have no compunction about sending you to your death. But I won’t do it on a whim. Even with your cavalier attitude toward life.
She leans forward on her desk...
M: I want you to find GoldenEye, find who took it, what they plan to do with it and stop it. And if you should come across Ourumov, guilty or not, I don’t want you running off on some kind of vendetta. Avenging Alec Trevelyan will not bring him back.
BOND: You didn’t get him killed.
M: Neither did you. Don’t make it personal.
BOND: (mumbles) Never.
He finishes his drink and gets up. He’s had enough of this...
M (O.S.): Bond.
James turns. M smirks.
M: Come back alive.
57 - Ext. St. Petersburg square - Day
A band plays in a square outside The Winter Palace, the residence of the Russian Czar until 1918.
58 - Int. Building - Day
Defense Minister Dimitri Mishkin watches the band marching from a window. A serious-looking dude with a gotee. He glances at his watch, then retreats back to a table with a board of councilors seated. There’s a knock at the door. Gen. Ourumov enters and removes his hat.
MISHKIN: Good morning, General Ourumov.
OURUMOV: Defense Minister Mishkin, Gentlemen.
MISHKIN: Please, deliver your report.
OURUMOV: As this council is aware, 72 hours ago, a secret weapons program codename GoldenEye was detonated over Severnaya. As head of Space Division, I personally undertook the investigation. I have concluded this crime was committed by Siberian separatists, seeking to create political unrest. Incredibly the peaceful work and much needed hard currency earnings of Severnaya have been set back by several years. Therefore, I tender my resignation.
The council makes some noise, shaking their heads "Niet" "No".
MISHKIN: It seems the council does not want your head, Akadi Gregorovich, merely your loyal assurance that there are no other GoldenEye satellites.
OURUMOV: I can’t give you that assurance, Defense Minister.
MISHKIN: And what of the two missing Severnaya technicians?
Ourumov freezes. Two?! Where did two come from?!
OURUMOV: I was aware only of the one. Boris Grishenko.
Mishkin glances at a paper...
MISHKIN: There was a girl, also, whose body was not among the dead. Natalya Fivoriva Simonova, a level-two programmer.
OURUMOV: I will investigate immediately, Defense Minister.
MISHKIN: It would seem presumptuous, General, to blame this incident on Siberian separatists before the whereabouts of your own people are determined.
The Council looks like a bunch of statues.
MISHKIN: Do you agree?
OURUMOV: YES, Defense Minister. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
MISHKIN: That will be all.
The General snaps to attention and puts his hat back on, then exits.
59 - Int. Q Branch - Day, I think...
Bond makes his way to Q’s test lab. The room is full of technicians working on all sorts of gadgets. Q himself wheels up in a wheelchair with a cast on his left leg.
BOND: Morning, Q. Sorry about the leg. Skiing?
A rocket fires from the cast, exploding in a bright flash.
Q: Hunting!
Across the room a parachute discharges from a BMW. Q and 007 walk toward the car.
Q: Right! Now pay attention, 007. First, your new car. BMW. Agile five-forward gears, all points radar. Self-destruct system, and naturally, all the usual refinements.
As Q talks, James opens the car door. Blue BMW Z3 Roadster convertible. James proceeds to bug the technician working on the car. He is, of course, not listening to Q.
Q: Now this, I’m particularly proud of: behind the headlights - Stinger missiles.
Bond is now listening...
BOND: Excellent! Just the thing for unwinding after a rough day at the office.
Q: Need I remind you, 007, that you have a license to kill - NOT to break the traffic laws.
BOND: I wouldn’t think of it.
Q: Good! Right, let’s get on to more practical methods.
They walk to a table. Bond disappears off-screen. Q picks up a belt.
Q: A typical leather belt. Male size 34, buckle - notch.
We see Bond now, he’s playing with a laptop, not listening as usual.
Q: Are you finished?
James quickly closes the laptop, pauses...
BOND: Yes.
Q: Good! A typical leather belt...
BOND: Q! I’m familiar with that device.
Q: Not one with a 75-foot repelling cord built into the buckle. Fire, and out shoots a pitot followed by a high tensile wire designed to support your weight.
BOND: I see. And what if I need additional support?
Q: It’s tested for one, 007.
Behind them, a guy in a white lab coat enters a fake phone booth. An air-bag thing inflates, trapping the guy inside. Bond and Q could care less. Q picks up an envelope Bond has been carrying with him. An x-ray of the envelope appears on a monitor. Looks like a plane ticket. British Airways.
Q: Flight 878 to St. Petersburg.
Q taps a mirrored table.
Q: X-ray document scanner.
He takes out a ‘clickey pen’ (ya know the kind you have to click to use).
Q: A pen. This is a class-4 grenade. Three clicks arms the four second fuse, another three disarms it.
As he talks, Q demonstrates the clicks. Bond grabs the pen and clicks it three times.
BOND: How long did you say the fuse was?
Q grabs it back, and disarms it.
Q: Oh, grow up 007.
BOND: Who said the pen was mightier than the sword?
Q: Thanks to me, they were right!
Q walks toward a test dummy while the man stuck in the telephone booth is being wheeled away.
Q: Look, let’s ask Fred here to demonstrate for us.
He clips the pen in “Fred’s” pocket as the guy trapped in the phone booth is wheeled away.
Q: Here we are. Sorry about this Fred...
Q clicks the pen three times.
Q: 1...2...3!
He cowers with his hands over his ears while James looks on. Fred explodes – of course - his top half scattered around the room.
Q: Don’t say it!
BOND: The writing’s on the wall?
Q: Along with the rest of him.
Bond smirks. Never a dull moment.
Q: Now, 007 do try and...
Q is interrupted by a technician being launched across the room by a blast of air.
Nothing interesting to these guys. Bond picks up a sub sandwich and begins to inspect it, looking for knives to shoot from it or something.
Q: Do try and return some of this equipment in pristine order...
Q notices what James is doing.
Q: Don’t touch that!
James is scared as Q grabs the sub.
Q: That’s my lunch!
60 - Ext. Runway - Day
A British Airways jet touches down on the runway in St. Petersburg, Russia.
61 - Ext. Airport Exit - Day
Bond walks from the terminal and spots the guy he’s looking for. Big dude with a stupid fur hat and a trench coat. Name’s Jack Wade, 007’s CIA counterpart. Bond approaches him and ventures at casual conversation, otherwise known as code to establish alliance.
BOND: In London, April’s a spring month.
WADE: Aw yeah? And who are you, the weatherman? And fer cryin’ out loud! Another stiff-ass Brit! Yer secret codes and yer passwords. One of these days you guys’re gonna learn to drop it. Come on, my car’s over there.
Bond is a little annoyed. They cross the street to a little blue...um...car - box thing. Bond opens a door.
BOND: After you.
WADE: Thank you.
James whips out his Walther, jamming it into Wade’s chest.
BOND: Like you said...Drop it!
WADE: Alright, in London April’s a spring month, where’s in St. Petersburg we’re freezin’ our butts off. Now is that close enough for government work?!
BOND: No! Show me the rose.
WADE: Please, no.
Bond slams the gun harder.
WADE: Alright! Alright! Alright!
Wade partially drops his pants showing a tattoo of a rose with the word ‘Muffy’ above it.
BOND: Muffy?
WADE: Third wife. Jack Wade. CIA.
BOND: James Bond. Stiff-ass Brit.
WADE: That’s a nice move...
BOND: Nice car.
WADE: Well, she hasn’t let me down yet. She’s like a little bitch, but she gets ya there. (pause) Hey Bond. Ya do any gardening?
62 - Ext. Train Station - Day
Natalya appears getting off a train, and looks behind her back like she’s being followed. She only sees two Russian soldiers.
63 - Ext. Plaza - Day
The little blue box that Wade calls a car is sitting in the middle of a square with smoke coming from the engine (in the trunk, ya know like old VW Beetles). Wade’s trying to fix it. We move in closer...
WADE: Can ya hand me that wrench, Jimmy?
James picks up a wrench and hands it to Wade.
BOND: So what do you know about Janus?
WADE: Zilch. No one’s ever seen him. But the man’s connected up the gazoo. KGB, military. Screwdriver.
James picks up a screwdriver from the pile of tools.
WADE: Rumor has it, he lives on one of those old Soviet missile trains. That armored stuff they used to run around the country so we couldn’t target’em.
Wade stands up.
WADE: Ya wanna hand me that hammer, Jimbo?
Bond picks up a hammer. Wait... “Jimbo”?!
WADE: No, the bigger one. The sledge.
Bond picks up a sledge hammer.
WADE: Anyways, to tell the truth, you don’t find this guy, he finds you.
Wade proceeds to hammer the screwdriver gently into the engine.
WADE: Hell, it’s all Russian Mafia...The best I can do is point you in the direction of his competition.
Wade whacks the engine HARD with the sledge hammer, and roars to life. Bond smirks.
BOND: Who is the competition?
WADE: An ex-KGB guy. Tough mother. Got a limp on his right leg, name’s Zukovsky.
BOND: Valentin Dimitrovich Zukovsky?
WADE: Yeah! You know him?
BOND: I gave him the limp.
64 - Ext. IBM Building - Day
Natalya walks up to a building with the familiar IBM logo on it. She enters.
65 - Int. IBM Building - Day
She walks inside and locates the manager in a room marked "No Access" carrying a CPU. She knocks on a door to get the guy’s attention. He puts the CPU down.
NATALYA: Are these all you have?
She looks around the room at about 10 to 15 computers.
MANAGER: How many do you want?
She reads from a paper...
NATALYA: Twenty-four for the American school, eleven for the Swedish, IBM Compatible with 500 MHz drives and 34 modems.
MANAGER: You pay dollars?
NATALYA: Of course.
MANAGER: If ma’dam would require a demonstration...
NATALYA: Ma’dam requires a demonstration modem and a quiet place to test it.
The manager shows her into a back room.
66 - Int. Boris’ computer lab - ?
In an unknown location, we see a screen with Boris’ program. “Incoming E-mail”. Boris turns around wearing a sweater with the peace sign on it. Funky. He sees who the mail’s from...
BORIS: Natalya!
Types: “I thought you were dead.”
67 - Int. IBM back room - Day
Natalya is seated at a PC. She types, evidently in an e-mail. “Ourumov killed everyone, fired ‘Petya’, took GoldenEye”. The manager bursts in the room, scaring the crap out of Natalya.
MANAGER: Is everything satisfactory?
NATALYA: Everything except the interruption.
He leaves.
68 - Int. Boris’ computer lab - ?
Boris types: “You aren’t safe. Trust no-one. Meet me at Our Lady of Smolensk in one hour.”
69 - Int. IBM back room - Day
Natalya gets the message, smiles.
70 - Ext. Bridge - Day
The little blue box Wade calls a car drives across a bridge.
WADE (V.O.): Lemme get this straight Jimmy...you shot him in the leg, you stole his car, you took his girl, now you want Valentin Zukovsky to set you up with Janus?
71 - Ext. Valentin’s club - Day
The car pulls up...
BOND (V.O): Yes.
WADE (V.O.): Well, what are ya gonna do, appeal to his heart?
BOND (V.O.): No, his wallet.
WADE (V.O.): Oh, now that might work...OK, showtime!
The car stops and we see Wade and Bond both stuffed inside. They see two Russians by a car.
WADE: Valentin operates out of Building 23, there. You sure you wanna do this? The last guy who dropped in uninvited went home Air Freight. In very small boxes.
BOND: Make sure they send me home First Class.
Bond gets out of the car.
72 - Ext. Church - Day
Natalya walks up to “Our Lady of Smolnesk”, a church.
73 - Int. Church - Day
She walks inside. Quiet. Very quiet. Extremely Romanesque, like in any other large church Orthodox church. Natalya looks up at a suspended cross. She waits, looks for Boris. She spots a suspicious-looking figure in a black cloak, praying. The heavy doors suddenly close by themselves, almost blowing out some candles. Natalya runs, totally freaked out, back down the aisle. The figure looks at her, it’s just an old woman. Around the corner she runs
into Boris, she screams.
BORIS: Natalya! It’s me! It’s Boris, it’s Boris! Hello! Shhh...
Xenia walks up from behind Natalya...
74 - Int. Valentin’s club - Day
Valentin, a big guy with a limp, walks across his nightclub, zips up a woman’s dress. He talks to himself.
VALENTIN: Another morning shot to hell. The free market economy, I swear it will be the end.
Suddenly a gun in cocked by his head. We see it’s Bond’s Walther.
VALENTIN: Walther PPK, 7.65 mm, only three men I know use such a gun...I believe I’ve illed two of them...
We pan to the right. Yep. Bond.
BOND: Lucky me.
Another gun presses against James’ head.
VALENTIN: I think not.
On a stage, a few girls attempt to sing “Stand By Your Man”. Really badly – with Russian accents, to boot! But a few men in the audience stay interested, mainly because of the skimpy costumes. Bond is being ‘escorted’ by two henchmen. They throw him on a couch. Valentin sits on a chair in front of him.
VALENTIN: James Bond. Charming, sophisticated, secret agent. Shaken, but not stirred...
The Russians laugh...
BOND: I see you haven’t lost your delicate sense of humor, Valentin. Or your need for an audience. Who’s strangling the cat?
I couldn’t have put it better myself. Valentin looks quizzically where Bond is gazing.
VALENTIN: Strangling a cat?!
We see the lead singer practically howling ‘Stand by your mahn!!’. Valentin whips out a gun and shoots the couch right between James’ legs...
VALENTIN: It’s Irina. My mistress.
Bond looks like he just swallowed his words.
BOND: Very talented girl...
VALENTIN: Irina!! Take a hike!!!
Irina shuts up right before giving him an “up yours” with her arms.
VALENTIN: So, Mr. Bond; what is it that brings you to my neighborhood? Still working for MI6, or have you decided to join the 21st century? I hear the new M is a lady...
BOND: I want you to do me a favor.
The big Russian laughs.
VALENTIN: He wants me to do HIM a favor!! My knee aches every single day, twice as bad when it is cold. Do you have any idea how long the winter lasts in this country? Tell him Dimitri...
DIMITRI (O.S.): Well, it depends...
VALENTIN: Silence!!!!
BOND: For an ex-KGB agent, you surprise me Valentin. Surely someone of your stature must have realized the skill was not to hit your knee, but to...uh...miss the rest of you.
VALENTIN: So why did you not kill me?
BOND: Call it professional courtesy.
VALENTIN: Then I should extend you the same courtesy...
Valentin shoots to Bond’s right leg, miss. Left leg, miss again. Valentin aims in between...
BOND: Kerov’s Funeral Parlor, 4 o’clock this afternoon!
He’s got his attention...
75 - Int. Valentin’s office - Day
Bond is seated, Valentin’s getting a drink.
BOND: Two hundred pounds of C4 explosives hidden in a casket. Your man drives the hearse in. The money’s exchanged. Their man drives the hearse out. Their man will be arrested with the explosives. Your man will make a miraculous escape with the money. Your money.
Valentin sits at his desk.
VALENTIN: And what do I owe for this accommodation?
BOND: I want you to set me up. With Janus.
VALENTIN: And what has he done to deserve you?
BOND: Stole a helicopter.
VALENTIN: I have six.
BOND: Three. None that fly.
VALENTIN: Who’s counting?
BOND: These aren’t criminals Valentin, they’re traitors. They used the chopper to steal a nuclear weapon, killed a lot of innocent Russians doing it.
VALENTIN: What do you expect from a Cossack?
BOND: Who?
VALENTIN: This Janus. I’ve never met the man, but I know he’s a Lienz Cossack.
BOND: Grouped that worked for the Nazis against the Russians, second World War.
VALENTIN: You know your history, Mr. Bond. At the end of the war, the Lienz Cossacks surrendered to the British in Austria, believing they would join your government and wage war against the Communists. But the British betrayed them. Sent them back to Stalin who promptly had them all shot. Women, children, families.
BOND: Not exactly our finest hour.
VALENTIN: Still, ruthless people. They got what they deserved.
BOND: I want you to set me up with Janus. Tell him I’m asking about the chopper and
meet me tonight at the Grand Hotel Europe.
VALENTIN: Then you and I are even and he owes me one.
BOND: Precisely.
76 - Ext. Grand Hotel Europe - Night
Bond’s elegant hotel...
77 - Int. Pool Area - Night
A shadow moving through the pool water. James surfaces right in front of the camera, then pushes off the side of the cement pool floating on his back. Nice pool, circular, with huge pillars surrounding it...we see a door open and someone walks in, circling the pool. James is still floating peacefully when he notices someone’s watching him. Wait! Isn’t that...?! He climbs out of the pool. He grabs a towel and dabs his face. Then he grabs his Walther. James pulls the person by the arm, pulling them into a steam room. He aims the gun at...Xenia. Wearing only a loosefitting robe. James is a little interested. His chiseled body is still soaked, hair slicked back...looking sexy...
XENIA: You don’t need the gun, Commander.
BOND: That depends on your definition of safe sex.
She comes at him, really close. His only weakness...
BOND: That’s close enough.
XENIA: Not for what I have in mind.
They kiss. James tosses the gun on a massage table. She pulls away, with his lower lip clenched in her teeth. Bond flinches and pushes her to the wall. He touches his lip, a little blood, but enough to get him pissed off. He goes for the gun...Xenia kicks him to the ground before he can get it. She jumps on top of him, he rolls on top of her...
XENIA: You think you can hurt me?
James gets off of her, and goes for the gun again. Xenia pushes him onto the massage table, and jumps on him. Normally, Bond would love this - but she’s crushing his rib cage. He gasps, and tries to pry her legs off his torso. He gets up, with Xenia still hanging on with her legs, and slams her against the wall.
XENIA: You think you can break me?
They kiss again wildly...She squeezes harder, Bond’s eyes pop open and he runs slamming Xenia into another wall. Now she’s screaming...he sits her on the steam grate. Another guy has heard the screaming and Bond swiftly knocks him out. He flips Xenia over his shoulder, finally off of him. Now he gets the gun and aims it at her.
BOND: No, no, no. No more foreplay.
He cocks the gun.
BOND: Take me to Janus.
XENIA: (Russian) Bastard!!
78 - Ext. Statue Junk yard - Night
A gray Mercedes pulls up at a junk yard littered not with garbage, but with hundreds of old stone statues. From before the fall of the Iron Curtain. VERY eerie.
79 - Int. Mercedes - Night
Xenia’s at the wheel, Bond is in back covered in shadow pointing a gun at Xenia.
BOND: This is it?
He leans forward, puts the gun away.
BOND: Well, I must say, I’ve had a lovely evening. You?
XENIA: Once again, the pleasure was all yours.
BOND: You’ll understand if I don’t call...
XENIA: I won’t loose sleep over it.
He suddenly whacks her in the back of the head, knocking her out.
BOND: Sweet dreams.
80 - Ext. Junk yard - Night
007 steps out of the car, and spots the Tiger helicopter. He draws his gun. This place in very freaky, folks. Plus it’s dark, and Bond’s eyes start to play tricks on him. He aims the gun at someone...no. A statue.
VOICE (O.S.): Hello, James.
Bond whips the gun around at the voice. Sounds familiar...A dark shadow walks out from what’s left of a building. 006 steps into the light. His face is badly scarred on the right side. Bond stands there, frozen in place...
BOND: (Softly) Alec...?
ALEC: Back from the dead. No longer than just an anonymous star on the memorial wall at MI6.
Bond is still frozen, his blue eyes wide.
ALEC: What’s the matter, James? No glib remark? No pithy comeback?
BOND: (Softly) Why...?
Alec laughs.
ALEC: Hilarious question. Particularly from you. Would you ever ask why? Why we toppled all those dictators, undermined all those regimes? Only to come home ‘Well done! Good job, but sorry ol’ boy! Everything you’ve risked your life and limb for has changed!’
BOND: It was the job we were chosen for.
ALEC: Of course you’d say that. James Bond, Her Majesty’s loyal terrier. ‘Defender of the so-called Faith’.
007’s had enough, he raises his gun.
ALEC: Oh, please James. Put it away. It’s insulting to think I haven’t anticipated your every move.
Bond relaxes his arm.
BOND: Yes...I trusted you, Alec.
ALEC: Trust. What a quaint idea.
BOND: How did the MI6 screening miss that your parents were Lienz Cossacks?
ALEC: Once again your faith was misplaced. They knew. We’re both orphans, James. While your parents had the luxury of dying in a climbing accident, mine survived the British betrayal and Stalin’s execution squads. But my father couldn’t let himself or my mother live with the shame of it. MI6 figured I was too young to remember. And one of life’s little ironies, their son goes to work for the government who caused a father to kill himself and his wife.
BOND: Hence, Janus. Two-faced Roman god come to life
ALEC: It wasn’t God who gave me this face...It was you! Setting the timers to three minutes instead of six.
BOND: Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?
ALEC: No. You were suppose to die for me. And by the way, I did think of asking you to join my little scheme, but somehow I knew 007’s loyalty was always to the mission, never to his friend. (Pause) Closing time, James. Last call!
Bond goes to raise his gun, but a quick shot is fired. A tranquilizer hits his neck, and Bond collapses. We see a sniper in the background reveal his position. Alec stands over James.
ALEC: For England, James.
81 - Int. Tiger Cockpit - Night
James wakes up and finds himself inside the cockpit of the helicopter. There’s someone behind him...it’s Natalya SCREECHING...
Bond is totally awake now. Gee.
BOND: I’m here, I’M HERE!!
NATALYA (O.S.): Hurry! Hurry up! Come on! Pull yourself together, or we’re gonna die!
There’s a screen in front of him “Time to Launch”. Bond attempts to free himself, but his hands are tied to tightly.
NATALYA: Do something! You’ve got to get us out of here!!
Bond is still struggling...
BOND: I’m...a little...tied up! Nevermind...
“Time to Launch :19” He tries to hit the controls with his head. The rotor is starting to turn now...”Launch :00” Bond eyes the chopper’s heat-seekers deploy. Oh, crap. Two of them fire and trail back at them. Bond looks for the EJECT button...there it is! He tries to hit it with his head. Once...twice...third time’s a charm! The rotors fly off and the entire cockpit ejects in the nick of time. The helicopter explodes, the parachute discharges, and they land safely on the ground. Bond finally gets the ropes untied, and he hops out of the cockpit.
BOND: The things we do for frequent-flyer mileage...
He opens the canopy for Natalya.
BOND: Here, let me help you...that’s it...mind your head...
He helps her out. She kicks him in the shin. She starts to run away, but 007 grabs arm and tries to calm her down as headlights shine on them. Soldiers pop out of the trucks aiming their weapons. Natalya finally stops struggling.
82 - Ext. Square - Night/early morning
James and Natalya are escorted to a building which could be anything from a jail to a government office.
83 - Int. Interrogation Room - Early morning
James and Natalya walk into a interrogation room handcuffed together. The sun is just starting to come up. Not much in here, just a barren brick room. A guard removes the cuffs and exits, the large metal door slamming behind him. Bond looks to Natalya, who backs away to the wall.
BOND: Who are you?
No answer. He walks toward her.
BOND: Listen, I’m on your side. I’m here to help.
NATALYA: I don’t know anything.
BOND: I don’t believe you.
NATALYA: I don’t care what you believe...
BOND: Look, they might be back for us any minute. You either take your chances with me or your fellow countrymen who killed everyone at Severnaya. Bond is in her face, being a tough guy. Natalya pulls away from him.
NATALYA: I’ve never been to Severnaya.
Bond grabs her arm and looks at her watch.
BOND: Your watch has. Frozen by the GoldenEye blast. And I’m willing to bet you’re the one who climbed out the dish to get out.
NATALYA: Who are you?
BOND: I work for the British government. The more you tell me, the more I can help you.
NATALYA: I said I don’t know anything!!
BOND: Then let’s start with what you do know.
She sits on the table in the middle of the room. She might as well tell him.
NATALYA: My name is Natalya Simonova. I was a systems programmer at the Severnaya facility.
BOND: Go on...
NATALYA: Until they killed everyone.
BOND: Who? Alec Trevelyan?
NATALYA: No. I don’t know who that is.
BOND: Who’s the insider, who’s the traitor?
NATALYA: Boris. Boris Grishenko.
BOND: KGB or military?
NATALYA: Computer programmer.
BOND: There was no one else?
NATALYA: No. They’re going to kill me, aren’t they?
BOND: Trust me.
NATALYA: Trust you. I don’t even know your name.
The door clicks open and the Defense Minister enters, wearing a fedora hat.
MISHKIN: Good morning, Mr. Bond. Sit.
He walks around the table and sits down. James and Natalya do too.
MISHKIN: I’m Defense Minister Dimitri Mishkin. By what means shall we execute you Commander Bond?
BOND: What, no small talk? No...chit-chat? That’s the trouble with the world today; no-one takes the time to do a really sinister interrogation anymore. It’s a lost art.
MISHKIN: Your sense of humor doesn’t slay me, Commander, I’m sorry. Where is the GoldenEye.
BOND: I assumed you had it.
MISHKIN: I have an English spy, a Severnaya programmer, a helicopter stolen...
BOND: At least that’s what some traitor in your government wanted it to look like...
MISHKIN: Who was behind your attack on Severnaya...?
BOND: Who had the authorization codes...?
MISHKIN: Russia may have...the penalty for terrorists is death...
BOND: And what’s the penalty for treason...?
NATALYA: Oh, stop it! Both of you! Stop it. You’re like...boys with toys. [Silence.] It was Ourumov. General Ourumov set off the weapon. I saw him do it.
Bond turns his head slowly toward Natalya. Mishkin is pleased.
MISHKIN: Are you certain it was Ourumov?
NATALYA: Yes. He killed everyone and stole the GoldenEye.
MISHKIN: And why would he do that?
NATALYA: There is another satellite.
MISHKIN: Another GoldenEye. Thank you, Miss Simonova. You were saying something about the lost art of interrogation, Mr. Bond?
Ourumov barges in the room, visibly enraged.
OURUMOV: Defense Minister! I must protest! This’s my investigation! You’re out of order!
MISHKIN: (Russian) Idle praddle. (English) From what I’m hearing, it is YOU who is out of order!
Ourumov picks up the PPK...
OURUMOV: I’ve seen this gun before...
MISHKIN: Put it down General! Put it down!
OURUMOV: Do you even know who the enemy is? DO YOU!
MISHKIN: Guards!!
Ourumov quickly shoots a guard as well as Mishkin. Bond hits the deck, pulling Natalya with him. He slides out the clip, takes the bullets, slips the empty clip back into the gun. He thinks aloud...
OURUMOV: Defense Minister Dimitri Mishkin murdered by British agent James Bond.
He tosses the gun to 007.
OURUMOV: Who was shot while trying to escape...GUARD!
Bond, who’s still on the ground, pushes a chair underneath the General, knocking him over. Then Bond punches him and runs him into a metal pipe. A soldier comes in the room, Bond beats him up and grabs his weapon, then pulls Natalya out the door with him.
BOND: Come on!
84 - Int. Hallway - Morning
Both of them run out the door and up some stairs, Bond shooting soldiers as they run, sliding on the floor, the whole bit. To his right, left, more are coming. They flee through another door.
85 - Int. Archive Hall - Morning
The pair run through a room on the second floor. Shelves full of boxes and old paper occupy the room. More soldiers are coming. Bond pushes a bookcase over, creating a domino effect we’ve seen in cartoons.
OURUMOV: They’re in the archives!
The falling bookcases barricade a door shut, cutting off Ourumov and company.
They take an alternate route. Bond and Natalya look out a window at a lot filled with trucks and...tanks. They run. Soldiers burst through another door. Natalya is hiding behind a shelf when a few books fall over. The General knows their location now...The Russians are on the first floor, and they hear Bond running above them. The soldiers fire,
Bond fires back, running in front of Natalya. Bond and Natalya stop…
OURUMOV (O.S): Spread out! Cover the other side!
… and he removes the belt Q gave him. He smirks.
BOND: Trust me.
They stand up and run, but Natalya crashes through some loose grating right into Ourumov’s arms. Bond fires the belt. He swings across the room, kicks over a soldier and crashes through a window into the back of a truck.
86 - Ext. Back Lot - Morning
James jumps down from the truck and hides beside a tank.
Bond’s P.O.V. - Natalya being carried off by Ourumov. They get in a car.
It drives away but two more truck-fulls of Russian soldiers enter the lot. Bond eyes a tank. Number 343.
87 - Ext. Streets of St. Petersburg - Morning
Ourumov’s car speeds away, but then a TANK crashes through a solid brick wall. We see Bond poke his head out.
OURUMOV: Faster!
The tank is close behind the car, cutting turns a little too closely. Ourumov’s car is slowed by traffic.
OURUMOV: Damn! Go down the alley!
The car peels out through a narrow alley. Tight squeeze...007 notices this too and ducks below. He follows creating a MUCH larger alley. Ourumov takes a swig of his liquor flask. The two jeeps following the tank fly off into the water, exploding.
OURUMOV: Use the bumper! That’s what it’s for!
So the driver continues, hitting all the bystanders crossing the street. Bond takes a corner, but there are two jeeps in his way. He stops the tank.
SOLDIER: (Russian) Back up!
They do. Bond moves forward. The soldiers fire and 007 ducks below again. A 13-car pile-up clogs the road, but not if you’re in a tank. Bond runs right over it. The tank catches up with the car in a square with a statue in the middle. Both vehicles run over anything in their path: traffic. Bond crashes through a truck with boxes of Perrier on it, and then a statue of a man riding a winged horse. The bronze portion in now riding on top of the tank.
OURUMOV: Go left!
They do. An archway looks a little low...the statue gets caught in it for a second, hangs there, then drops on two persuing police cars, the statue riding between them. Bond abruptly halts the tank and the cars collide with the backside of the tank. Bond looks back at the damage, coolly straightens his tie and continues. Meanwhile, Ourumov’s car comes screeching to a halt near a black armored train, red star on the side.
OURUMOV: Get out!
He pulls Natalya out. Xenia jumps down from the train. Ourumov pushes Natalya aboard. Bond is just pulling up, he’s watching now and we can see in his eyes that he’s got an idea... The tank continues. The train lurches forward.
88 - Int. Train - Morning
Inside the train, Ourumov brings Natalya into a car with elegant furnishings. Alec is eating breakfast with an expensive silver tea set. He dabs his mouth with a napkin. Xenia sits behind him.
ALEC: You brought me the perfect gift, General Ourumov. You’ve made me a very unhappy man.
OURUMOV: Mishkin got to him before I could.
ALEC: Bond is alive?
Ourumov takes out his flask again.
OURUMOV: He escaped.
ALEC: Good for Bond. Bad for you.
He eyes Natalya and attempts to be a gentleman.
ALEC: Take a seat, my dear.
She does. He walks behind her and kneels down.
ALEC: You know, James and I shared everything. Absolutely everything...
He pulls back her hair from her face.
ALEC: To the victor go the spoils.
89 - Ext. Tracks - Morning
The train travels down the tracks and Bond’s tank pulls up in a tunnel.
90 - Int. Train - Morning
Alec tries to kiss Natalya, she resists.
ALEC: You’ll like it where we’re going...
91 - Ext. Tr

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