Jhené Aiko - Never Call Me [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Jhené Aiko
Album: Trip
Data wydania: 2017-09-21
Producent: Benny Blanco, Frank Dukes, Amaire Johnson, Cashmere Cat
Tekst: River Tiber

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1]
Oh boy, I'ma have to call them boys on you
Awe damn, awe damn, I'ma have to call that man on you
Something, something, something must be really wrong with you
Why can't you just tell the fuckin' truth now?
Yes your mama did, she raised a fool, wow
What the fuck did you learn in that schoolhouse?
To chase them thrills , chasin' thrills
Takin' pills in the hills, Slauson Hills, Overhills might get you killed
Not welcome 'round them parts no more
Do not run your mouth no more
I can't protect you no more
It's out of my hands for sure

You should've called me
Why you never call me?
Why you never call me?
Ohh, you should've called me
Why you never call me?
Why you never call me?

[Verse 2]
Okay, now you wanna say all that I’ve done to ya
You knew all along that I wasn't the one for you
So let's stop pretending like we were in love
We never shared anything but the drugs
We were both numb, never had anything real between us
We really must
Be smoking that crazy shit, in my city talkin' crazy shit
But you ain't know I'm a crazy bitch
And tell your lawyer that I ain't paying shit
Maybe you should chill, really in your feels
My bros really in the field
Neighborhood is really real and they don't play that here
You shouldn't say that here
You should've made it clear, my dear
You should've called me

You should've called me
Why you never call me?
Why you never call me?
Ohh, you should've called me
Why you never call me?
You, you, you, you
You should've called me
You, you, you, you
Ohh, oh..
You, you, you, you
You should've called me
You, you, you, you

[Outro: Kurupt]
Now hey sis, I'ma let you know like this
Hit me right back, this Kurupt, okay?
All these niggas with this bullshit, man, fuck these niggas mayne
The 60's, we ain't worried bout none of these muthafuckin' bustas
Ya understand me?
From the Overhill to the fronts to the back mayne
We pushin' this line to d'nine
So don't worry 'bout none of this shit from this funny ass nigga
Don't worry 'bout him callin' you and all the rest of that shit
You know what? It's his lost, ya know what I'm sayin'?
I'm pretty p'd
I heard the homie, the homie called me and was like
"Man Jhené trippin, man this buster ass nigga got her mind fucked up"
I'm like "No not Jhené"
Man fuck that nigga mayne
Né-né, you hit me I got you, you understand me?
These niggas is busters, fuck that nigga and fuck his friends, and fuck his bitch
He's nothin my nigga, you are the one, everybody else is 2's and 3's
You're the one, I love you, make sure you hit me back
This is your big brother, you hear me?
This is Kurupt, Gotti
Aye, call me as soon as you get this, you hear me?
Don't make me call your mama now, I'll track you down

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

„Never Call Me” porusza kwestię relacji Jhene z jej byłym mężem i producentem Dot The Genius. Byli potajemnie małżeństwem 11 miesięcy. Rozstali się z powodu braku komunikacji, stąd tytuł piosenki.


„Napisałam ją w momencie bardzo publicznego zerwania, więc na pewno czułam się w jakiś sposób smutna. I właśnie wzięłam trochę środków psychodelicznych, więc to było jak przesadzone uczucie. Wiem, że wiele dziewczyn, lub ludzi w ogóle, czuje się w ten sposób: 'Nie rozmawiaj o mnie z innymi ludźmi, rozmawiaj tylko ze mną. To my mieliśmy być w tym związku. Teraz słyszę różne rzeczy i ludzie pytają mnie, co chcę, żeby zrobili. Musicie do mnie zadzwonić, bo nie mogę kontrolować tego, co moi starsi ziomkowie myślą o tej sytuacji".


Jestem wielkim fanem Kurupta, pochodzę z Los Angeles. Wyszedł i wykonał "Ain't No Fun", kiedy byłam na Coachelli. Kiedy byłam na High Road Tour ze Snoop Doggiem, Kurupt był na trasie i codziennie rozmawialiśmy. Stał się moim wujkiem z prawdziwego zdarzenia. I był ze mną, kiedy wszystkie te straszne tematy o moim związku były poruszane na blogach. To było po prostu wiele negatywnych rzeczy, które przychodziły w moją stronę”.

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