Juice WRLD feat. YoungBoy Never Broke Again - BANDIT [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Juice WRLD
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Juice WRLD]
It's funny, the shit I put on this song ain’t
gon' sound nothin' like the shit we was just doin’
Oh, yeah
I just want bad bitches
Baddest, them bitches is the baddest, uh, uh
When I take the molly, I'm a savage
Uh, I say, uh

[Chorus: Juice WRLD]
I don't need no molly to be savage, uh
When I'm on that molly, I feel savage, uh, uh
She the definition of a bad bitch
Stole her, I'm the definition of a bandit, uh, ayy
I don't need no molly to be savage, uh, ayy
But when I'm on the molly, I feel savage
Ayy, my girl the definition of a bad bitch
Stole her heart, I'm the definition of a bandit

[Verse 1: Juice WRLD]
Put the Percs down and picked up the jiggas, jiggas, jiggas
Tommy in the fucking Tommy Hilfiger, ’figer, ’figer
That Tommy hit a nigga, Tommy Hilfiger, fuck niggas
I'm nice, when I’m high off the pills, I'ma fuck with her
I don't smoke skunk, but tonight I'm getting stuck, nigga
Pour the codeine up and put some molly in the cup with it
I know she a freak, uh-huh, she gon’ fuck with it
She my velcro, uh-huh, guess I'm stuck with her
I dive in it like a sailor, I love to nail her
Addicted to her paraphernalia, I had to tell her
I see it like a fortune teller
Your ex-nigga did good, I could do better
Bad bitch from the woods, I think she a hunter
She a killer and an eater, she a Jeffery Dahmer
I can tell when she in her feelings, I can read her like a book
No TEC, no Beretta, FN on me, am I understood?
Yeah, yeah, yeah

[Chorus: Juice WRLD]
I don't need no molly to be savage, uh
When I'm on that molly, I feel savage, uh, uh
She the definition of a bad bitch
Stole her, I'm the definition of a bandit, uh, ayy
I don't need no molly to be savage, uh, ayy
But when I'm on the molly, I feel savage
Ayy, my girl the definition of a bad bitch
Stole her heart, I'm the definition of a bandit

[Verse 2: YoungBoy Never Broke Again]
My brother point her out and she a bad bitch, I'm on her
Must ain't heard that I'm a savage, once I get a bitch, I own her
I see she got swag, I got cash so I want her
See this four-five in my pants, put on your ass, push up on bruh
Shawty, she a rider with that glizzy on her (With that glizzy on her)
And shawty, I'ma die there with no semi on me (Semi on me)
If we got a problem, we get rid of homie (Yeah)
Put fifty thousand in your pocket, we gon' get the money (Yeah)
I'm the definition of a bandit (Come on, bruh)
Took your heart from out his hands and still ain't saying shit (Honest)
Some new killers in my circle you done ran with it
Like this dirty .38, this bitch'll damage
Popping wheelies, 4K Trey, call when you land with it (Pop, pop, pop)
I let you drive inside my bros where they be laying with it
I work this bitch, I open up a can with it
Like fuck the stove, I make it jump without my hand in it

[Chorus: Juice WRLD]
I don't need no molly to be savage, uh
When I'm on that molly, I feel savage, uh, uh
She the definition of a bad bitch
Stole her, I'm the definition of a bandit, uh, ayy
I don't need no molly to be savage, uh, ayy
But when I'm on the molly, I feel savage
Ayy, my girl the definition of a bad bitch
Stole her heart, I'm the definition of a bandit

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Interpretacja piosenki

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„Bandit” to pierwsza współpraca Juice WRLD i rapera z Luizjany YoungBoy Never Broke Again. Juice opisuje swoje doświadczenia z MDMA i chwali się swoim związkiem ze „złą dziewczyną”, która jest znanym łamaczem serc. Tymczasem YoungBoy omawia swoje pochodzenie i celność za pomocą broni.


Chociaż piosenka pierwotnie wyciekła online w czerwcu 2018 r., z niedokończonym masteringiem i brakującym wersetem, pojawiły się również fragmenty z grudnia 2018 r. i lutego 2019 r., co doprowadziło do teorii, że był to powód do opóźnienia wydania drugiego albumu Juice, „Death Race for Love”.


„Molly” to slangowe określenie MDMA, czystej formy ekstazy. Juice WRLD nawiązuje do efektów psychotropowych, które wywołuje molly. Według National Institute on Drug Abuse:  „Skutki obejmują zwiększoną energię, zniekształconą percepcję, mimowolne zaciskanie zębów, niebezpiecznie wysoką temperaturę ciała i depresję”. Juice twierdzi również, że może doświadczyć tych uczuć bez użycia MDMA. Wcześniej opisywał swoje doświadczenia z popularnym narkotykiem w utworze „Pause”.

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