King Von - War [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: King Von
Data wydania: 2022-03-02
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

(DJ on the beat, so it's a banger)

Nigga, I'll be damned (Who?)
If a nigga think he finna take me out, this shit ain't sweet (Huh? Boom, boom)
Nigga, I ain't goin', I'm back, I'm blowin' (Yeah)
I'll be at the crib every day of the week (Shit)
'Member it was nights I couldn't even sleep (Huh? Huh?)
War outside, niggas couldn't even eat (Damn, damn)
I was sixteen with a Carbon 15 (Yeah)
Motherfuckers gotta die and it ain't gon' be me (Von, huh?)
Shootin' shit sunup to sundown (Uh)
He was just playin' tough, he gon' run now (Uh-huh)
All these bitch ass niggas tellin', really start to take the fun out (He get too wild)
I'm the type of nigga go to church with my gun out (In a shootout)
Gotta pray for my gun, he gеt too wild (He get too wild)
I'm the first namе that they say in the shootout (In the shootout)
God textin' me like, "It's gettin' too crowded" (Damn, damn)

[Verse 1]
Police they catch me, I'm too silent (Damn)
My name speak volume, I'm too violent (Huh?)
Niggas actin' tough, run it up then, I'ma lay him down like two pallets (Boom, boom)
Dress a nigga up like a new stylist (Uh-huh)
Out for a year, nigga, when the trial is? (Uh-huh)
Would've bought that bitch a car but she had some mileage (Uh-huh)
If he say what he saw, we gon' cut his eyelid (Boom, boom, boom)

Nigga, I'll be damned (Damn)
If a nigga think he finna take me out, this shit ain't sweet (Nah, nah)
Nigga, I ain't goin', I'm back, I'm blowin' (Huh?)
I'll be at the crib every day of the week (Boom, boom)
'Member it was nights I couldn't even sleep (Yeah)
War outside, niggas couldn't even eat (Shit)
I was sixteen with a Carbon 15 (Huh? Huh?)
Motherfuckers gotta die and it ain't gon' be me (Damn, damn)
Shootin' shit sunup to sundown (Yeah)
He was just playin' tough, he gon' run now (Uh-huh)
All these bitch ass niggas tellin', really start to take the fun out (Uh-huh)
I'm the type of nigga go to church with my gun out (With my gun out)
Gotta pray for my gun, he get too wild (He get too wild)
I'm the first name that they say in the shootout (In the shootout)
God textin' me like, "It's gettin' too crowded" (Damn, damn)

[Verse 2]
Oh, you 'bout it? (Uh-huh)
Rob you, ain't shit you gon' do 'bout it (Uh-huh)
My lil' bitch want a new body (What?)
My bullets come get you fast like a Bugatti (Grrah, grrah)
I'm goin' Scotty like too hotty (Yeah)
You gettin' shot up if you too cocky (What?)
We slide with sticks like we play hockey
And you not a killer if you only got two bodies, damn (Boom, boom, boom, boom)
Run out (Yeah), hustle to sunup to sundown (Uh-huh)
We got some money, it's fun now (It's fun)
Last nigga dissed King Von got gunned down (Grrah, grrah)
Damn, what now? (What?)
It was funny but now it's not fun now (It's not fun now)
I was bummy, now look who the bum now
A nigga try Von, I bet he get gunned down (Boom, boom, boom)

Nigga, I'll be damned (Damn)
If a nigga think he finna take me out, this shit ain't sweet (Nah, nah)
Nigga, I ain't goin', I'm back, I'm blowin' (Huh?)
I'll be at the crib every day of the week (Boom, boom)
'Member it was nights I couldn't even sleep (Yeah)
War outside, niggas couldn't even eat (Shit)
I was sixteen with a Carbon 15 (Huh? Huh?)
Motherfuckers gotta die and it ain't gon' be me (Damn, damn)
Shootin' shit sunup to sundown (Yeah)
He was just playin' tough, he gon' run now (Uh-huh)
All these bitch ass niggas tellin', really start to take the fun out (Uh-huh)
I'm the type of nigga go to church with my gun out (With my gun out)
Gotta pray for my gun, he get too wild (He get too wild)
I'm the first name that they say in the shootout (In the shootout)
God textin' me like, "It's gettin' too crowded" (Damn, damn)

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

"War" to wydany 2 marca 2022 roku singiel nieżyjącego już chicagowskiego rapera King Vona. Piosenka jest kolejną zapowiedzią pierwszego pośmiertnego albumu studyjnego Kinga Vona, "What It Means to Be King", który ukaże się 4 marca 2022 roku nakładem wytwórni EMPIRE oraz Only The Family.


W utworze "War" King Von rapuje o okresie swojego życia zanim zdobył uznanie w branży muzycznej. Artysta opowiada o morderstwach, więzieniu i swoim gangsterskim stylu życia. Pierwotnie uważaną przez fanów za zatytułowaną "INTO (Shit Ain't Sweet)", piosenkę w stylu Chicago Drill zaprezentował jeszcze przed śmiercią sam King Von podczas prowadzonej relacji na żywo na Instagramie. Później piosenka wyciekła w całości do sieci. Kilka miesięcy później utwór zyskał duże zainteresowanie za pośrednictwem platformy TikTok, co ostatecznie przesądziło o wykorzystaniu jej na albumie "What It Means to Be King."

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