LA Rodriguez - Beautiful View / Silly String [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: LA Rodriguez
Album: Full Grown Child
Data wydania: 2014-02-10
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Gamal

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Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1]
We riding through the city like
They ain't no city lights
No stopping
No bud
No problem
I got it
By boatload
Get you higher
Then the ozone
Youll be swimming in it
Living in it
This bradley cooper shit
Makes you feel limitless
You ain't seen the shit that i do
Seen my shit on youtube
Got a camera crew with a view
Im in not even started yet
I got a beautiful view
Of the camera pointed at you
It kinda looks like a movie
And i know you wanna act and i know you wanna sing and i know you hold back cuz i know you wanna scream
So lets scream rooftop for the sunrise
I dead been ill take a chill pill one time
And relax
We got a beautiful view
Perfect spot for me and you so
Lets just enjoy it

So you got no complaints
The weed is fucking choose
And my music taste is great
Unless its just me or just you or just us
Or this beautfiul ass view

[Verse 2]
Cuz you see rapping ain't that cool to me
All I'm seeing is toms foolery art students moving slow they ain't as cool as me
And I'm frozen Steez so cold and I body slam beats Steez hulk Hogan
Stoned alone home alone Steez mckully culkin
Chilling on the roof to let the sunrise soak in
Im boosting in these quotes I float in
2 eyes dollar sign like ghost did
I direct The most shit
On this east coast bitch
Other directors are betteroffdead like some beastcoast shit
Im free floating
Never falling balling never spalding
Im outta shape rappers out are outta date like they stalling
Outta date nano
Its sad tho she wanna go commando like rambo
Im trynna play piano and make a grand tho
Make my mom a grand tho have her flipping thru channels
To she her
Man tho in each channel

So you got no complaints
The weed is fucking choose
And my music taste is great
Unless its just me or just you or just us
Or this beautfiul ass view

[Verse 3]
Whatever the fuck you want
Just lemme know
If you want me to go just say so
Cuz i really dont mind leaving
If wanna dont mind blazing i dont mind blowing trees to the breeze
Its sorta my lifestyle puffing weed every evening
Green grass on the jar side listening pharcyde
Vision 2020 heinsight even better
And if you get cold ill lend you my fucking sweater
So you got no complaints
The weed is fucking choose
And my music taste is great
Unless its just me or just you
Or this beautfiul ass view

[Verse 4]
We riding thru the city like
They ain't no city lights
No stopping no bud no problem
I got it
And you wonder why my feet dont touch the ground
Cuz we roll around with loud pounds
You know the world is filled up with glitter and gold
But you dont gotta sell your soul to play your role
Cuz im back with the coldest rap
In and out of the cudlesac
Bogus tracks i couldn't go for that
Whether backpack or black rap or black kids with mac 10s
Or white kids who dont like it but stay high autopilot
Whoever is listening just listen
Stop with the bitching pretending and fuck critics
Ive been serious since the day me and my mom met
Look at my words as if joey said it yeah i said it
You like the artist not the image
Thats retarded and im finished
Its the farthest thing from quittich
Not a game
Not a stain in my name
Just the truth lies
Silly strings

The bright sun and the blue water
We fight less and love harder
You telling me that I'm the one
I tell you it's just for fun
We walk the beach at midnight
And watch the stars and the clear skies
We both say I love you
But it's alright

[Verse: Jay Bel]
We riding through the city like, Diddy type
Can't stop won't stop him no bud no problem, I'll get me mine
Take that. Camp deep where your range at
Where you babe at?
Laid back, cheifing through a bane mask
Feel me though
Yo shit tastless, cheerios. Boi blowed up like Terio in Ontario
Here we go
Team all in ya stereo, and video
Cream all on her areo, ight here we go
Attention you don't the tension with the tent kid
Ten kids, gems since quarters down benson
Now its quarters down of the mary jane jetson
Now they ringing bel like its heavy weight wrestling
Pierce communities like im chevy chase Jeff wing
Winger when I eat, sting her like a bee
Just think
Im the hottest nigga out here for really tho
Silly string here we go

The bright sun and the blue water
We fight less and love harder
You telling me that I'm the one
I tell you it's just for fun
We walk the beach at midnight
And watch the stars and the clear skies
We both say I love you
But it's alright

[Verse: Jimmy The Rapper]
We Running Thru The Red Lights, Ain't Stopping For No One..
No One Man Should Sip All Of That Pink Potion;
Slow It Down For Second.. Second Guessing
Every Minute
Cause In A Blink Of An Eye All My Time Will Be Finished;
15 Minutes Of Fame To 15 Years In The Game, Depending On How You Use It Your Legend Will Stay The Same
I'm The Sandman
Alpha Omega
Don Of The Past
They Feeling The Champs Pain Tryna Drink Out Of Our Glass
Still I
Tell Em Stop, Watch As The Clock Drops; Tick Tock Waits For No Man it Is Non Stop;
Organic Robots Shit Is Getting Critical, Niggas Saying That Jimmy Analog Going Digital;
Bars Are Gargantuan
Touching planets beyond the sun
I swear this shit has just begun
So best believe in everything that im spitting
Taking the scenic on the road to success
Silly strings

The bright sun and the blue water
We fight less and love harder
You telling me that I'm the one
I tell you it's just for fun
We walk the beach at midnight
And watch the stars and the clear skies
We both say I love you
But it's alright
The bright sun and the blue water
We fight less and love harder
You telling me that I'm the one
I tell you it's just for fun
We walk the beach at midnight
And watch the stars and the clear skies
We both say I love you
But it's alright
The bright sun and the blue water
We fight less and love harder
You telling me that I'm the one
I tell you it's just for fun
We walk the beach at midnight
And watch the stars and the clear skies
We both say I love you
But it's alright
The bright sun and the blue water
We fight less and love harder
You telling me that I'm the one
I tell you it's just for fun
We walk the beach at midnight
And watch the stars and the clear skies
We both say I love you
But it's alright

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Interpretacja piosenki

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