Logic - City in the Stars [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Logic
Album: Ultra 85
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Robert Ivory]
Oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah
This for everybody

[Chorus: Robert Ivory]
You gon' be a star, shooting from afar
You gon' be ignited when they don't like who you are
I know who you can be, I know what your plan be
I know you understand me, and I know that you never wrong, yeah, you're never wrong
What you want? Like what you want?
Money burn fast as the sun
Hoes only last until it's gone
High fashion don't help fatten the starved
Compassion is
Lacking in the masses, the rich is fastin'
While the lower class is clappin' for 'em
Pourin' to they pockets double tappin'
On they watches never stoppin', steady clockin' into jobs
Only option is to rob, I let them rob me of my dream
That I believed could be achieved if he'd just give me a break
To breathe, or is it too late for me?

[Verse 1: Robert Ivory]
I don't wanna give up, but it's gettin' close
I went all in and now I wanna fold
I just wanna make it, I just wanna make it, I just wanna make it
I'ma motherfuckin' take it, and I'll take it when I want
Been doin' hindu practice, imagine ajna
Niggas askin' me to drop, but I'ma drop it at my top, bitch, my peak
Got a lot of time to build up my will from defeat
Was too comfy for me at the ground floor, I re—
'Member what was read, I had to jump on my feet
Root of all evil, deceitful people own your green
Protect your heart before they catch wind of the sins that you hold deep
Many put a lot of power in they self-esteem to cover for their sacral needs harming the harmony between
The love in being a human being, I been tryna be the opposite of what I see on my screen
False prophet, profits are toppin' rockets, not tryna stop it
Just tryna give the kids another option before they caught in shots
Lined to be rhymed in a line on a top five
And some niggas wearin' suits are gettin' paid for the crime

[Verse 2: Logic]
Come on, tell me what it really means to understand the reason he wanna make it by any means
Livin' the dream and when you focus on your self-esteem, then build yourself a team
It feel like anything can happen, at the open mic, you snappin'
Started singin', now you rappin'
I remember when I was a young man, thinkin' that I can do anything I wanted
Homies gettin' blunted, I was writin' rhymes and hopin' that I stunted
Never confronted what I really wanted, a mama and a daddy
But prolly both would take, prolly never have me
Even though my mama got that check from government once a month
No wonder why I stunt, I made it out, I never doubt the reason
That I do it, I knew it, move through it, everything could grow
And why you think I gotta put this boy up on the track?
Because you gotta pay it back, matter of fact
The atoms in my upper back have shifted like a chiropractor
Give it back of the line, the rhyme and everything that I find
Every other day, I think about a life away from that, away from rap
I went to hell and made it back
I made it to heaven and my reality full of vitality
Had to bein' why they mad at me
Said it emphatically, rappin' dramatically, shinin' achromatically
Give it to 'em grammatically, rappin' like an automatic be
'Cause that's how the static be
Where I grew up, it had to be
Everybody mad at me 'cause I don't fit in they picture perfect rap category
'Cause I gave it to 'em pragmatically
The rest is erratically
Systematically givin' it to 'em pneumatically
While I'm tunin' new record grammatically
Shit is mathematically, undeniably and enigmatically
Audiomatically me, and won't never be, I know be the only one that ever did it
Like I done the track sixteen on The Incredible True Story
I run it and always will from afar
[Chorus: Robert Ivory, Robert Ivory & Logic]
You gon' be a star, shooting from afar
You gon' be ignited when they don't like who you are
I know who you can be, I know what your plan be
I know you understand me, and I know that you never wrong, yeah, you're never wrong
What you want? Like what you want?
Money burn fast as the sun
Hoes only last until it's gone
High fashion don't help fatten the starved
Compassion is
Lacking in the masses, the rich is fastin'
While the lower class is clappin' for em
Pourin' to they pockets double tappin'
On they watches never stoppin', steady clockin' in to jobs
Only option is to rob, I let them rob me of my dream
That I believed could be achieved if he just gave me a break
To breathe, or is it too late for me?

[Outro: Thomas]
The order of the Ultra 85

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Jeśli wiesz o czym śpiewa wykonawca, potrafisz czytać "między wierszami" i znasz historię tego utworu, możesz dodać interpretację tekstu. Po sprawdzeniu przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy ją jako oficjalną interpretację utworu!

Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

Tekst piosenki opowiada o zmaganiach artysty z realizacją swoich marzeń w obliczu życiowych trudności i społecznych nierówności. W refrenie, śpiewanym przez Robert Ivory, artysta motywuje słuchaczy do niepoddawania się i odnalezienia swojej wartości, pomimo przeszkód i niepowodzeń. Zwraca uwagę na nietrwałość materialnych dóbr i powierzchowności świata mody, podkreślając, że prawdziwe znaczenie tkwi w osobistych relacjach i empatii. Pisząc o społeczeństwie, które ignoruje potrzebujących, artysta zwraca uwagę na problemy systemowe i nierówności ekonomiczne.


W pierwszej zwrotce, Robert Ivory dzieli się swoimi osobistymi zmaganiami i uczuciami, związanymi z dążeniem do sukcesu w branży muzycznej. Odczuwa frustrację, gdy zauważa, że jego marzenia są zagrożone, a rzeczywistość często odbiega od tego, co sobie wyobrażał. Tekst ujawnia jego walkę z własnymi ograniczeniami, próbując znaleźć równowagę między ambicjami a osobistymi wartościami, a także radzi sobie z rozczarowaniem związanym z nieosiągniętym sukcesem.


W drugiej zwrotce, Logic reflektuje nad swoją drogą artystyczną i osobistymi przeżyciami. Przypomina sobie początki kariery, swoje marzenia i motywację do tworzenia muzyki. Porusza kwestie tożsamości i sukcesu, a także stara się odnaleźć sens w swojej pracy, mimo że doświadcza presji i oczekiwań ze strony innych. Tekst wyraża również jego pragnienie, by inspirować innych i dawać im nadzieję na realizację własnych marzeń, pomimo przeciwności losu.

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