Logic - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Logic
Album: Ultra 85
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

Logic's favorite Quentin Tarantino movie is Once—

Ayo, uh, one, two, three, four
Kill Bill, Jackie Brown, Pulp Fiction, and Reservoir
Peep the lore, cinematic metaphor
Nine years since I did The Incredible True Story
Now let me break down my career through the films in this category
In the backlot, surrounded by guns, killers and crack rock
Wish God could've re-edited that shot, I guess not
The L-O-G-I-C, open your mind, like O-ren Ishii
At fourteen, cinema was my morphine
Surrounded by more fiends, I could describe the sight enforcin'
Crazy 88 vs. The Bride, my house was fortified
Single mother's mortified as their children died
While the killers out on bail and then show up to court and lied
See, I discovered hip-hop through Volume One
Tarantino hit the RZA, left the whole world stunned
Now I heard of Wu-Tang, but never truly knew the game
First scene in the movie, Nancy Sinatra, "Bang Bang"
Sampled that shit through the MPC and applied the swing
I'm down the rabbit hole, 36 Chambers released the catapult
Next thing I know, I'm bumpin' "Only Built 4 Cuban Linx"
Buildin' my armor like a Brinks
"Supreme Clientele" got me out here wanna be rockin' minks
Nas is up next, Queensbridge where them gangsters pump text
Mos Def was rockin' with The Roots
Then I discovered RattPack sippin' scotch at the Santa, rockin' suits
Blend it all together, what you get, that's Young Sinatra
Prepare for departure, partner
Just me in my room, steady vision like a Dolly zoom
Hopin' I'll make it out, probably soon
Smoke in my lungs like Mr. White, I'm far from Mr. Right
My childhood home, really, honestly, I don't miss the sight
Nothin' but fight or flight, we never freeze
Increase the light up by degrees and then ignite the trees
With ease, RattPack what they call us, a boss like Marsellus Wallace
Dropping jewels like Bad Mother Fucker is on my wallet
Discovered The Delfonics from the sonics of the third film
Cookin' without a kiln, but, yeah, we still pushin'
Afraid of flyin' from the fear at the airport, like Pam Grier
From Metropolis to Upgrade, we finally made it here
Flip the track like Stuntman Mike, I'm feelin' Death Proof
Moment I left the booth, now check the proof
I dropped Bobby Tarantino in the valley in Encino
I could finally feel the heat like De Niro and Al Pacino
Every track that I record, feel like another Nazi scout
I'm Django on a horse now, watch me mount any amount
I'm Sam Jack in "The Hateful Eight", comin' face to face with his fate
That's me at 16, millimeters from my dream
I guess it all started from "Kill Bill", but after a couple of mill'
I started to feel like they didn't respect the skill
Still attained what I did, livin' a dream in a four-story crib
I could have never imagined as a kid
Everything he wanted to attain I did, felt like a has-been
Finally saw the code behind the Matrix like an admin
Said “Fuck Hollywood” and moved to a cabin
As a man in the game, I related to Rick Dalton, spit fire and flow molten
Wanted nothin' more than to open that gate
For a dinner party next to Polanski and Tate
So when I saw Rick climb the mountain at the end of the movie
I realized all this shit these people been talkin' just movin' through me
I felt like a failure with the world on my hand
And this is somethin' only less than the one-percent understand
Was always in demand until I wasn't
Fuck the hamster wheel, you're not a human, fuck how you feel
You don't have the same passion and skill that you did when you were younger
And you never will, fill the void
Your fans want you in the past like Christopher Lloyd
Been on tour for ten years, like a marine that's been deployed
And now none of it matters, just my woman and my boy
So when I finally saw Rick throwin' a fit thinkin' that it was it
I felt the same identically, cause we've been through the same shit
Felt like my hay-day passed at dinner, my wife says it has
You'll never have the passion that you had
'Cause you were tryna make it out, not end up like your mom and dad
It drove me to tears at the table, knowin' that I'll never be able
To relive it and give it my all, constantly in a state of fall
'Cause ain't no way that you can do what you've been done
The only thing that I'm that passionate about these days, my son
Already won, this game is for the young, not playin' that shit
Too grown to be number one on top of this rap shit
So my favorite Tarantino movie used to be "Kill Bill"
I felt like Beatrix while on my way to the top of this hill
Once I finally reached the summit, felt my stomach plummet still
'Cause I realized it's all about the clout and not the skill
Used to be driven like a highway
Now I'm older and wiser, Rick Dalton walkin' up the driveway
I'll never have the passion I once did, it's understood
It's all good, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Tekst piosenki „Once Upon a Time” Logic nawiązuje do kariery artysty poprzez odniesienia do filmów Quentina Tarantino, które mają dla niego szczególne znaczenie. Logic porównuje swoją drogę muzyczną do ścieżek bohaterów z filmów takich jak „Kill Bill” i „Pulp Fiction”, podkreślając jak kino wpłynęło na jego twórczość i życie. Wykorzystuje te analogie, by ukazać, jak jego dzieciństwo, pasja do hip-hopu i odnalezienie własnego stylu były ściśle powiązane z inspiracjami filmowymi.


W drugiej części tekstu Logic opisuje swoje zmagania i sukcesy w muzyce, porównując je do wątków filmowych. Przywołuje momenty, które były dla niego kluczowe, jak odkrywanie Wu-Tang Clan czy budowanie własnego brzmienia. Przypomina sobie, jak filmowe motywy i bohaterowie pomogli mu w zrozumieniu siebie i swojego miejsca w świecie. Kontrastuje te wspomnienia z obecną rzeczywistością, gdzie zaczyna dostrzegać, że zdobyte sukcesy i sława nie dają mu już tej samej satysfakcji.


Na koniec piosenki Logic reflektuje nad swoją karierą, czując się podobnie jak Rick Dalton z „Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”, który zmaga się z poczuciem utraty pasji i znaczenia. Artysta przyznaje, że choć osiągnął wiele, teraz ceni sobie bardziej życie rodzinne i to, co ma poza muzyką. Tekst ukazuje, jak podróż artysty, choć pełna sukcesów, prowadzi do realizacji, że prawdziwe wartości i spełnienie są niezależne od publicznego uznania.

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