Logic - Peace Love & Positivity [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Logic
Album: Ultra 85
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

Yeah, doin' seventy on this highway
In the back of this bus, I'm bustin' my mind open
Hopin' these lyrics connect like Tetris Effect
Retrospect got me in a state of constant reflection
Corrections, I was destined, manifestin' somethin' much different
I'm livin' this way, off of what should've been my fate
Livin' in the constant state of "What the fuck should I create?"
'Cause I can do it all, yo
Pickin' the pen up when I'm feelin' pent up
Like a K9 when he pickin' the scent up
Sevеnteen in the stair—, yo
Ayy, seventeen in thе stairway, hustlin' drugs
Listenin' to Grandmaster by GZA and Muggs
My mama wilin' while I'm tryna find my style in the game
While the legends was killin' it, I was crawlin' in the game
It's all the same, from Maryland out to Spain
You know we keepin' that same train of thought
Shit that can't be bought but only taught by millions of dollars
Now look what that there then brought us more problems
Only when you understand 'em, can you solve 'em
Feel like Rooster Jenkins, while the rest revolvin' 'round the dollar
Word to Allah, I can only hope the best for the rest of this world, inshallah
Memories of 2011 in the Impala
I used to rock the Jansport, now it's Louis V
'Cause that Italian leather right there is a movie, b
The perception of who we be is lesser than a ninety-degree V
'Cause what we doin' is greater than they could ever see
Keep it a hundred like a C, yeah, my flow is Roman B
You know the flow is rollin', b
And right now
If I'm bein' honest, I really don't get the angle
Your lyricism got me nappy, like a nigga's tangled
That ain't no blaxploitation, it's a black boy facin' his fears
'Cause nigga was afraid to say "Nigga" for years
Not in my life, but on the record, 'cause these niggas here
Don't like the fact that I'm a half breed, and they make it clear
You ain't no nigga, weren't never no nigga
I could give a fuck about what childhood trauma that does trigger
Your brothers is niggas, your sisters is niggas
Your aunties, uncles, and your cousins is niggas
Your daddy is a nigga
Every single one of them called you a nigga growin' up
But you ain't (Nah)
Fuck that picture that you tryna paint
I'm here to tell you who you are and what to do (Man, fuck you)
Some people say I can and some people say I can't
Why you so obsessed with me, just let me paint
Man, I'd be lyin' if I said this shit don't get to me
'Cause not a single one of my black folks said shit to me
Whenever I see black prevail, that shit a victory
Before I wrote this shit down, I had to pick to be
I know the way that the word "Nigga" and its history
The fact that any of us still say it, a mystery
But y'all don't want that word in my lungs like it hits to me
I'll never know how it feels to be a black man
But I know how it feels when your own people give you the backhand
That's why I'm writin' this shit here for the people that need it
And then attendin' the thousands at the show and repeat it
Whoever you are listenin', that needed this right now
I love you, don't ever let the world put negativity above you
Just be yourself, unapologetically
This shit right here for my dawgs, pedigree, let it be
This is me, peace, love, and positivity
Back in the day, people said that it was gay
That I rapped about my feelings, now it's critically acclaimed
Ain't it funny how time switches the frame?
They used to call 3000 a pillow writer
'Cause he wore pink feathers and wore leather
It would insight a riot in the rap community
Uh, now he's considered top five with full immunity
Love this rap shit, but the fact is, my factions
Stay givin' Grammys to niggas that's actin'
Shit is trash, word to Oscar
If rap was the woman of my dreams, then I'd toss her
'Cause I finally woke up, that's no inception
I bring life into the game, these niggas contraception
Peep the ascension, nothin' but love is my intention
But they still get it backwards, they never pay attention
They all henchmen, I'm in the game, they all bench men
Ayy, listen, ayy, listen, never stop, no, never give up your dream
And no matter the adversity, you'll always reign supreme

[Skit: Thomas, Kai, Roslyn & *ATM*]
Well, kid... looks like we head back to Babel in the morning
I know, man... six weeks already?
Haha, yeah... You know, I will say you're the coolest partner I've had in years
*What am I, a fax machine?*
You don't count, buckethead
Hey now, play nice! At least ATM has a body!
What are you gonna do with your time off when you get back, man?
Mmm... same thing as always. Train and prepare for the next one
Don't you want more than this? A real life, doing real things?
Yeah, that's why we do what we do. We work for a better future
Some day I hope to touch grass and swim in oceans
But... if I can't, I know I'm laying the foundation for a generation that will

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Jeśli wiesz o czym śpiewa wykonawca, potrafisz czytać "między wierszami" i znasz historię tego utworu, możesz dodać interpretację tekstu. Po sprawdzeniu przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy ją jako oficjalną interpretację utworu!

Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

Tekst piosenki przedstawia refleksje artysty na temat swojej kariery, osobistych zmagań oraz rozwoju. Rozpoczyna się od opisu życia w trasie, gdzie artysta porównuje swoje twórcze zmagania do gry w Tetris. Przemyślenia te prowadzą do głębszych rozważań na temat swojej przeszłości, prób odnalezienia stylu oraz wpływu, jaki na jego życie miały hip-hopowe ikony i kulturowe wzorce, takie jak filmy Quentina Tarantino. Zawiera również odniesienia do osobistych zmagań z tożsamością i oczekiwań społecznych.


W drugiej części tekstu artysta podchodzi do kwestii rasowych i społecznych, poruszając temat wyzwań związanych z byciem „półkrwi” i różnymi oczekiwaniami wobec niego. Przez pryzmat osobistych doświadczeń, artysta bada skomplikowaną relację między tożsamością, oczekiwaniami społecznymi oraz rasowymi wyzwaniami. Wyraża frustrację z powodu odrzucenia przez własne środowisko i społeczne stereotypy, ale także dąży do autentyczności i pozytywności w swoim życiu i twórczości.


Na końcu, tekst piosenki zwraca uwagę na zmieniające się wartości w przemyśle muzycznym i osobistym odkryciu artysty. Podkreśla, jak zmieniają się priorytety w miarę upływu czasu, i jak ważne jest pozostanie wiernym sobie oraz nie zatracanie pasji. Tekst kończy się refleksją na temat przyszłości oraz znaczenia pracy na rzecz lepszych dni dla przyszłych pokoleń, mimo że osobiste marzenia mogą wydawać się nieosiągalne.

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