Machine Gun Kelly - Cleveland State Of Mind [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Machine Gun Kelly
Album: 100 Words and Running
Data wydania: 2010-01-01
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

Let me take it back to Cleveland, where I love the peeps, yeah
Grind all night, sleep once in a leap year
Never had a beach chair, city of the hard knocks
Let one of us make it out the city, bet we all rock
Coming out the East Side, where they do not play much
Clouds always loomin, we dont see the suns rays much
Still I got the paper, gotta make sure the lights on
Its the mistake on the lake to you, but this is my home
Tatted it on my arm, bet I represent that
Homie Im from Cleveland, I will tell the President that
Hardest year, we been there. Made some of the greats here
Midwests best, this is MGKs year
Shouts out to St. Claire, Uptown, yes yall
Heading to the Flats, get it poppin off with Steph Floss
O state monster, this the home of King James
We are not the Empire, but this is where the kings play

Ashley Simpson:
In Cleveland, though we rep our city
Who likes separating the grime from the gritty
Wheres Slick Fitty? Well cause trouble in any city that we live in
When youre from Cleveland
Survivals a must on these streets, we hustle and dont sleep
Out here in Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland

Oh, Oh, OK, OK, now here we go, welcome to the Cleveland Show
But this ain't no cartoon, reality is all we know
Youre tuning into Bravo, yeah you hear me everywhere
But theres only one of me, let me make that very clear
Yeah Im from that Terminal, you can see the lake from here
Faith in my teams, we keep gettin closer every year
But we got the King though, so hopefully we overcome
Yes I have a dream, and I no I ain't the only one
Art Modell tried to steal my heart, but we brought it back
Thanks to Cleveland Clinic, now they call them kids the cardiac
Rock Hall, Science Center, Tower City, all of that
Warehouse District, Euclid Corridor, and all the Flats
You know that Im a Tribes fan, and I love Slymans
Crocker Parks a perfect place for me to spend some time in
Baby this is Cleveland, it is so much more to us
You can even go to Severance Hall to see an orchestra

Ashley Simpson:
In Cleveland, though we rep our city
Who likes separating the grime from the gritty
Wheres Slick Fitty? Well cause trouble in any city that we live in
When youre from Cleveland
Survivals a must on these streets, we hustle and dont sleep
Out here in Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland

Machine Gun Kelly:
Long nights, cold winters, it ain't nothin pretty
So much hate up in this itty-bitty city
If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere
Put your hands up in the air, everybody say Yeah! Yeah! Yeahhh!

Ashley Simpson:
In Cleveland, though we rep our city
Who likes separating the grime from the gritty
Wheres Slick Fitty? Well cause trouble in any city that we live in
When youre from Cleveland
Survivals a must on these streets, we hustle and dont sleep
Out here in Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland

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Interpretacja piosenki

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