Macklemore - FAITHFUL [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Macklemore
Album: BEN
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Macklemore]
Feel like I'm running out of time and the sun won't shine forever, forever
I got my mind on my money and my money, man, fuck it, whatever, whatever
Sometimes I wake up on the wrong side, I don't even feel like gettin' up
But this depression on my brain, hope it change, but the rain ain't lettin' up

[Verse 1: Macklemore]
Can't call it, don't know where my head is
Reflectin' on Malcolm and the shit I thought, but never said it
To Peter, Robin, to Kevin, all my other friendships
That could havе, would have, should have, and then thеy ended
I isolate between happiness and hopeless
Know what makes it worse? Still wanna get loaded
Sometimes I feel like can't control my choices
And something takes over and I can't turn off the voices
Sittin' with these thoughts, can't escape 'em, can't run
Got some bullets in the dresser as I polish my gun
They say a day clean is a day won
But I'm holdin' on, prayin' to a god abandoned
Zonin' on the couch, starin' at my daughters
Know there's a pill in this house that I'm obssessin' about poppin'
Reservations talkin', the push and pull of the conscience
Should probably pick up the phone and call my sponsor, but don't wanna
When the Percs don't work, Xannies won't calm me down
Not enough liquor in the bar, weed growin' in the ground
Trapped by these walls where my brain can't get out
Wonderin' if my mama have to put her son in the ground
[Chorus: Macklemore]
We still goin' when the day break
Me and the homies on the same page
Find me in the whip, that's my safe place
Feel like I'm gettin' weak, I need some AA
Need someone to pray for my soul right now
Everything's looking gray and there's no white clouds
I don't know what to say, I got nothin' to write down
On my knees questioning God like, "Why now?"
I'm lost, but I'm found again

[Bridge: Macklemore]
I'm up all night, I toss and turn
I love my life, I got concerns
I've been through Hell on some FML
It's just as well, I might lose it
I need some light, I need some air
I might be broken, I need repair
Don't got the answers, think I'm confused
I asked myself, "Who are you?"

[Verse 2: NLE Choppa]
I need you right now Mack to wake up more than over
Ain't no more weed, alcohol, and poppin' pills, et cetera
I know these days gettin' rough, but they get better
It's a cold world, let's go to the Gucci store for a sweater
Feel it deeply in my heart you need this letter
So I pour my feelings out to you before I go and mail it ('Fore I mail it)
I don't know what I'm sensin', but I can smell it
When you write me back, just tell it, I'ma soak it up, inhale it (Inhale it)
Heard you got a daughter, well, I got one too
And she too beautiful, barely see her too (See her too)
Do you hug her and tie her shoes?
Is she reflectin' of you and got a smile that bloom? (Bloom)
Before you load that gun and shoot
Just know that she be needin' you, the best version of you too (Bah)
I would write more, but my day about to break
We can meet up face to face, just let me know if that's okay
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[Chorus: Macklemore & NLE Choppa]
We still goin' when the day break
Me and the homies on the same page
Find me in the whip, that's my safe place (That's my safe place too)
Feel like I'm gettin' weak, I need some AA (I need some AA)
Need someone to pray for my soul right now
Everything's looking gray and there's no white clouds
I don't know what to say, I got nothin' to write down (Nothin' to write down too)
On my knees questioning God like, "Why now?" (Why?)
I'm lost, but I'm found again

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

Macklemore zaprezentował słuchaczom nowy singiel zatytułowany „FAITHFUL”. W utworze artysta pyta o lojalność wśród przyjaciół w potrzebie. „Wszystkie moje inne przyjaźnie, które mogłyby, powinny, powinny być / A potem się skończyły / Izoluję się między szczęściem a beznadziejnością”, rapuje twórca hitów, podczas gdy NLE Choppa oferuje swoje wsparcie dla swojego współpracownika.


„Wiem, że te dni stają się trudne, ale będą lepsze / To zimny świat, chodźmy do sklepu Gucci po sweter, rapuje Choppa. Raperzy zastanawiają się nad wartością różnych relacji wśród ludzi. Ile jest dziś warta przyjaźń? Czy przyjaźń naprawdę istnieje? Jak odnaleźć szczęście, kiedy luzie tak szybko odchodzą?


W tym roku Macklemore wydał swój singiel „Chant” z Tones And I i „Maniac” u boku Windsera. W międzyczasie NLE Choppa wydał ostatnio swoją najnowszą piosenkę „Do It Again” z udziałem 2Rare.

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