Meek Mill feat. Jay-Z , Rick Ross - What's Free [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Meek Mill
Album: Championships
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Jay-Z, Rick Ross

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Meek Mill]
You know what free is, nigga?

[Chorus: Meek Mill]
What's free?
Free is when nobody else could tell us what to be
Free is when the TV ain't controllin' what we see
Told my niggas, "I need you"
Through all the fame, you know I stayed true
Pray my niggas stay free
Made a few mistakes but this ain't where I wanna be
Before I'm judged by 12, put a 12 on my V
Told my niggas, "I need you"
Stay up, I know these times ain't true
Real life, what's free?

[Verse 1: Rick Ross]
Since a lad, I was cunning, just got a pad out in London
I keep stackin' my money, I'll need a ladder by summer
AK shots, niggas duckin' stray shots
Been a top dog, that's before the K-Dots
Crackin' in '06, immaculate showmanship
Talkin' like you Mitch, disastrous on the strip
Holdin' on your bitch, coulda never sold you a brick
With them people, you never been on a list
Mona Lisa to me ain't nothin' but a bitch
Hangin' pictures like niggas swingin' from his dick
We so different, you thought these didn't exist
The Megalodon never seen on his wrist
I'm from the South where they never make it this rich
God is the greatest, but Satan been on his shit
Walkin' the pavement, I pray I'm illuminated
Over a decade and never nobody's favorite
Pot and kilo go hand in hand like we Gamble and Huff
My amigo, a million grams and we countin' 'em up
You was dead broke, I let you hold a pack
You paid for it, but I fucked around and stole the track
Screaming "gang gang," now you wanna rat
Racketeering charges caught him on a tap
Lookin' for a bond, lawyers wanna tax
Purple hair got them faggots on your back

[Chorus: Meek Mill]
What's free?
Free is when nobody else could tell us what to be
Free is when the TV ain't controllin' what we see
Told my niggas, "I need you"
Through all the fame, you know I stayed true
Pray my niggas stay free
Made a few mistakes but this ain't where I wanna be
Before I'm judged by 12, put a 12 on my V
Told my niggas, "I need you"
Stay up, I know these times ain't true
Real life, what's free? (Yeah)

[Verse 2: Meek Mill]
Fed investigations, heard they plottin' like I trap
20 mill' in cash, they know I got that off of rap
Maybe it's the Michael Rubins or the Robert Krafts
Or the billionaire from Marcy, and the way they got my back, uh
See how I prevailed now they try to knock me back, uh
Locked me in a cell for all them nights and I won't snap, uh
Two-fifty a show and they still think I'm sellin' crack, uh
When you bring my name up to the judge, just tell him facts
Tell him how we fundin' all these kids to go to college
Tell him how we ceasin' all these wars, stoppin' violence
Tryna fix the system and the way that they designed it
I think they want me silenced (Shush)
Oh, say you can see, I don't feel like I'm free
Locked down in my cell, shackled from ankle to feet
Judge bangin' that gavel, turned me to slave from a king
Another day in the bing, I gotta hang from a string
Just for poppin' a wheelie, my people march through the city
From a cell to a chopper, view from the top of the city
You can tell how we rockin', soon as I pop up we litty
Poppin' like Bad Boy in '94, Big Poppa and Diddy
And niggas counted me out like my accountant ain't busy
That's five milli' in twenties, sit up and count 'til I'm dizzy
Phantom 500 thousand, hundred round in a stizzy
Is we beefin' or rappin'? I might just pop up with Drizzy like

[Chorus: Meek Mill]
What's free?
Free is when nobody else could tell us what to be
Free is when the TV ain't controllin' what we see
Told my niggas, "I need you"
Through all the fame, you know I stayed true
Pray my niggas stay free
Made a few mistakes but this ain't where I wanna be
Before I'm judged by 12, put a 12 on my V
Told my niggas, "I need you"
Stay up, I know these times ain't true
Real life, what's free?

[Verse 3: JAY-Z]
In the land of the free, where the blacks enslaved
Three-fifths of a man, I believe's the phrase
I'm 50% of D'USSÉ and it's debt free (Yeah)
100% of Ace of Spades, worth half a B (Uh)
Roc Nation, half of that, that's my piece
Hunnid percent of TIDAL to bust it up with my Gs, uh
Since most of my niggas won't ever work together
You run a check up but they never give you leverage
No red hat, don't Michael and Prince me and 'Ye
They separate you when you got Michael and Prince's DNA, uh
I ain't one of these house niggas you bought
My house like a resort, my house bigger than yours
My spou- (Come on, man)
My route better, of course
We started without food in our mouth
They gave us pork and pig intestines
Shit you discarded that we ingested, we made the project a wave
You came back, reinvested and gentrified it
Took niggas' sense of pride, now how that's free?
And them people stole the soul and hit niggas with 360s, huh
I ain't got a billion streams, got a billion dollars
Inflating numbers like we 'posed to be happy about this
We was praisin' Billboard, but we were young
Now I look at Billboard like, "Is you dumb?"
To this day, Grandma 'fraid what I might say
They gon' have to kill me, Grandmama, I'm not they slave
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, check out the bizarre (Ah)
Rappin' style used by me, the H-O-V
Look at my hair free, carefree, niggas ain't near free
Enjoy your chains, what's your employer name with the hairpiece?
I survived the hood, can't no Shaytan rob me
My accountant's so good, I'm practically livin' tax free
Factory, that's me
Sold drugs, got away scot-free
That's a CC, E-copy
Guilt free, still me
And expect me to not feel a way to this day
You would say y'all killed me
Sucker free, no shuckin' me, I don't jive turkey
Say "Happy Thanksgiving," shit sound like a murder to me
Smoke free, all of y'all callin' out toll free
Label rob you for millions yet you wanna put a hole in me
Sugar free, seasoned but I'm salt free
You lay a hand on Hov, my shooter shoot for free
I promise World War Three
Send a order through a hands free
Kill you in 24 hours or shorter, you can't ignore the hand speed
On god, it's off the head, this improv but it's no comedy
Sign I fail? Hell nah
(Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha) Hahahahahahahahaha

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

Piąty utwór z czwartego studyjnego albumu Meek Milla, „Championships”. Meek ujawnił także, że jest to jego ulubiona piosenka z albumu. Utwór opisuje współczesne znaczenie wolności.


Rick Ross rapuje o swojej długowieczności i komentuje niedawne aresztowanie rapera 6ix9ine. Meek rapuje natomiast o prowadzonych bitwach z wadliwym systemem, wyrzucając z siebie złe emocje.


Temat wolności jest szczególnie ważny dla Meek Milla, który został uwięziony w 2017 roku. Artysta walczył z nieścisłościami i błędami w prawie, jego procesem, probacją i uwięzieniem. 24 kwietnia 2018 r. został zwolniony w oczekiwaniu na wynik odwołania do Sądu Najwyższego Pensylwanii.


Ta sama reforma, która zachodzi w mediach, musi nastąpić w sposób, w jaki artyści wyrażają się o niej w piosence. Artyści nie są w stanie tworzyć muzyki swobodnie, ponieważ środki dystrybucji są utrudnione. Telewizja stała się popularnym środkiem przekazu w ciągu ostatnich 100 lat, a dla wielu jest to jedyny sposób zdobywania informacji na temat obecnego świat.

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