Megan Thee Stallion - Accent [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Megan Thee Stallion
Album: MEGAN
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Megan Thee Stallion & GloRilla]
Yeah, keep tellin' yourself I ain't the shit, bitch, maybe one day you'll believe it
Hm (GloRilla)
Real hot girl shit (Ah, ayy)

[Chorus: Megan Thee Stallion]
I'm thicker than my accent (Accent)
And niggas love that shit (Yeah, yeah)
Pretendin' he don't understand me (Huh?)
So we can talk again (Talk again)
You don't look as good as me (Good as me)
So, bitch, don't call me twin (Call me twin)
Thought he was a city boy
Until he met a country bitch (Ah)

[Verse 1: Megan Thee Stallion]
I keep a nigga in his feelings (Ooh), I wake up pissin' off bitches (Ah)
They all be talkin' to the wall (Yeah), I make 'em question they existence (Yеah, huh)
If gettin' money was a sport, I'm showin' out at the Olympics (Okay, okay, okay)
Nеxt nigga I make famous, I'm collectin' my commission (Commission)
Bitch, I'm thicker than your bifocals (Ah, ah, ah), all my denim be double-knitted
Boy, I'm thicker than your bloodline, thicker than a Popeye's biscuit (Ah)
Waist slim, ass fat, the ratio is so scientific (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
You would think that "through thick and thin" was a phrase that I invented (Hm)
On they neck like a Dallas shag, talk shit like I'm Pimp Chad (Hm)
Since Chanel went up on the price, I know hoes ain't got this bag (I know hoes ain't got this bag)
They dick ride, then they start dissin', I ain't fuckin' with the ass-kissin' (No)
What the fuck is hoes talkin' 'bout? (Uh) Lookin' for me? I was never missin' (Ah)

[Chorus: Megan Thee Stallion & GloRilla]
I'm thicker than my accent (Accent)
And niggas love that shit (Yeah, yeah)
Pretendin' he don't understand me (Huh?)
So we can talk again (Talk again)
You don't look as good as me (Good as me)
So, bitch, don't call me twin (Call me twin)
Thought he was a city boy
Until he met a country bitch (Yeah, ah)
I'm thicker than my accent (Yeah, accent)
And niggas love that shit (Yeah, yeah)
Pretendin' he don't understand me (Hello?)
So we can talk again (Talk again)
You don't look as good as me (Good as me)
So, bitch, don't call me twin (Call me twin)
Thought he was a city boy (GloRilla, woo)
Until he met a country bitch (Ah)

[Verse 2: GloRilla]
Whatever I do be cool, niggas love a Memphis bitch (On God)
Anything I do gon' turn him on, I do some simple shit (Facts)
You gon' let that nigga do whatever 'cause you a simple bitch (Ho)
I do what these niggas do, I don't tolerate no hypocrites (The fuck?)
I'ma throw an R in any word that got a U in it (Hey)
Why you keep on rappin' 'bout that switch when you ain't usin' it? (Nah, I'm sayin')
My nigga caught me cheatin', I told him, "Bae, I was just usin' him" (For real)
He told me hit his line whenever I need him, so I'm abusin' it (Haha)
True Religion, I feel like a stallion, horseshoes on my ass (Woo)
It's been two years, why you still speakin' on me? Ho, I know you mad (Haha)
He never had no country bitch, he say he wanna try him one (Ayy)
He like the way I pronounce Cuban, told that nigga buy me one (On God, God)
[Chorus: GloRilla & Megan Thee Stallion]
I'm thicker than my accent (My accent)
And niggas love that shit
Pretend that he don't understand me (Huh)
So we can talk again (Woo)
You don't look as good as me (Bitch)
So, bitch, don't call me twin
Thought he was a city boy
Until he met a country bitch (Ayy)

[Verse 3: Megan Thee Stallion & GloRilla]
I'm the one hoes tryna be (Yup), Big Ben couldn't clock the tea (Ah)
Put a Scat Pack in a bitch back, bet she still couldn't keep up with me (Woah, woah, woah)
Shoot my shot at you if I want you, I don't give a fuck 'bout your ho (Uh)
To be honest, these niggas bitches, I'm the realest nigga that I know (Ayy, on God)
If it's smoke with my lil' sis then I'm at your door with it, right or wrong
From the M to the H with it (Yeah, yeah), they know what the fuck goin' on (Gang, gang)
Ain't no room up in this club, all my ass done took it up (Woah)
They don't know if it's for the strippers or all 'em ones they threw for us (Ah)

[Chorus: Megan Thee Stallion]
I'm thicker than my accent (Accent, yeah)
And niggas love that shit (Yeah, yeah)
Pretendin' he don't understand me (Huh?)
So we can talk again (Talk again)
You don't look as good as me (Good as me)
So, bitch, don't call me twin (Call me twin)
Thought he was a city boy
Until he met a country bitch (Yeah, ah)
I'm thicker than my accent (Yeah, accent)
And niggas love that shit (Yeah, yeah)
Pretendin' he don't understand me (Hello?)
So we can talk again (Talk again)
You don't look as good as me (Good as me)
So, bitch, don't call me twin (Call me twin)
Thought he was a city boy
Until he met a country bitch (Hey, ah)

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

Tekst piosenki "Thick" Megan Thee Stallion i GloRilla jest hołdem dla pewności siebie, unikalnego stylu oraz siły osobowości. Rozpoczyna się od intro, gdzie Megan i GloRilla przekonują słuchaczy, że są niezastąpieni i godni uwagi. Chór piosenki jest pełen pewności siebie - Megan opisuje swoją sylwetkę jako imponującą, a mężczyźni uwielbiają to, co reprezentuje. Tekst zwraca uwagę na to, że jej urok i pewność siebie przyciągają uwagę, a ludzie, którzy jej nie rozumieją, mają szansę ponownie z nią porozmawiać.


W pierwszej zwrotce Megan kontynuuje motyw pewności siebie, podkreślając, że potrafi wprowadzić mężczyzn w głębokie emocje, a jej obecność zmusza inne kobiety do refleksji. Opisuje swoje osiągnięcia finansowe jako sportowy wyczyn na międzynarodowej arenie. Tekst zawiera również odniesienia do jej fizycznych walorów oraz zdolności do prowadzenia interesów na swoich warunkach.


W drugiej zwrotce GloRilla, dodaje lokalny klimat Memphis do piosenki, tworząc dynamiczny kontrast między dwoma artystkami. Podkreśla swoją niezależność i brak tolerancji dla dwulicowości. Swoją postawą i stylem życia demonstruje, że jest prawdziwą Memphiszką, gotową na każde wyzwanie. Tekst dodaje głębi i różnorodności do piosenki, odwołując się do lokalnej kultury i doświadczeń życiowych.

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