Metaphaurus Raps - Zurg [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Metaphaurus Raps
Data wydania: 2015-03-23
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

Goin' out tonight and we tryna have fun
Relax our minds from everyday distractions
Positivity in life, yeah we tryna add some
No negativity tonight or we'll make a subtraction

Goin' out tonight and we tryna have fun
Relax our minds from everyday distractions
Positivity in life, yeah we tryna add some
No negativity tonight or we'll make a subtraction

It's Friday night, I need to do something. Feelin' Nike-like
Just get my car out my driveways sight
Drive a ways away so I can see them highway lights
Work all day, so I gotta finish my day right
Group chat the homies if they down for SM pier
Envisioning a chill night with some Heineken beer
They seen the message at 8:42 pm
All the homies are down, so let the night begin
Beginning to step out when the mom walk in
Fun blockin is her expertise when the night is poppin
Poppin my bubble as she questioning my antics
Askin' me some questions like my parents raised a bad kid
Told her I'd be back in a couple of hours
She think I'm related to something dirty. Give my cousin a shower
She finally give in, but she mad and that's a given
All this lecturing is played out. Stressing, need an intermission
My mission for tonight? To keep my buzz from a killin
Survived the gun shots that were fired from the missus
Moral of the story? Don't be a zurg
A drama queen, a drama king, a buzz killin emperor
Why they call them killjoys? They hate to see you enjoy. So they choose to end joy
Don't get me wrong, I love my mom. She just worry too much
I just need some room to breathe like a medulla


Drivin down the 405. Turn down the heater for the cooler
Got six packs to ruin six packs. Fuck "no excuses"
We exercise our livers while we buildin' up our tolerance
Our bodies won't forgive us. Live the moment. Fuck tomorrow, son
We got the famous a lists on the playlist
We rockin to some A$AP. We de-stress no need to save us
We just hit the 10 right around the clock hit 10
We goin at the speed limit, just add another 10
2 lanes over spotted coppers lights
Those sirens always stop the hype
Blanket on the cooler, seat belts on, safe drivin model time
We filled with more suspense before your boo saying I do
Never hated red and blue more than crips hating pirus
We just hope he miss the car like Kim -dashian
Now we just a couple dogs chased by big bad pigs
Pulled over to the side, pushed under bottles outta sight
Cop is at the driver's side, but ain't on the driver's side
Flash light is in my eye. Cop asked if I was high
Told him I don't like to smoke. He only sees the bad inside
Asked me if I drank. replied, "not yet". I can't lie
Recited z, y, x's on one foot with my hands high
Performing circus tricks, later the homies gonna clown
He finally satisfied after fuckin me up n down
He let me off without a ticket, but he left me ticked off
Flip the bird, but I'm a chicken. I do it when sheriff's gone


15 dollars for the parking. 16 hours I'm just starting
Feelin' numb, but I'm still talking. You could call me Stephen Hawking
Buzz is real, but toys can't move
Nothing will fuck up the mood
Knock on wood, but got a splinter
Ignored it. Blisster got bigger
Found a spot to sit down at
Trying not to get sand in our glass
The moon is out, so we howl at
No beef tonight, just eat cow fat
Won't be a sad night, we got that Blue Moon
Only when we joke bout single life do we say boo hoo
We borrow happy from from tomorrow
Don't play safe, but ain't in sorrow
Brought out the hard alc to swallow
And the cola for the combo
Jack is outta the box
Jackets covering the shots
Jacked up til we hit the top
Jack can't climb up this beanstalk
We threw up our red cups high
Then the homie threw up the wine
Saw beach patrol in the distance. We ran. Left no can behind
The homie can't hang. He's luggage
We can't hang or we'll be punished
Not hanged, but jail ain't somethin' I wanna be in
Fuck justice
We under the pier. Socks wet
With cold feet. Smells like vomit
Have no idea where cop went
Time of death of buzz. Call it
Called it a night after 2:00
Sobered up then headed home
Homies knocked out in the back
Music on to set the tone
Out of all the buzzkills tonight, it was fate who took the trophy
Or whatever controls destiny, maybe even something holy
Even through all the bull shit was runnin' down fate's thighs
I found myself thinkin', "it was a good night"

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Jeśli znasz język na tyle, aby móc swobodnie przetłumaczyć ten tekst, zrób to i dołóż swoją cegiełkę do opisu tej piosenki. Po sprawdzeniu tłumaczenia przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy je jako oficjalne tłumaczenie utworu!

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jej treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe.
Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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