Michael Jackson - Monster [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Michael Jackson
Album: Michael
Gatunek: Pop, R&B
Producent: Teddy Riley

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1: Michael Jackson]
You can look at them coming out the walls
You can look at them climbing out the bushes
You can find them when the letters about to fall
He be waiting with his camera on focus
Everywhere you seem to turn there's a monster
When you look up in the air there's a monster
Paparazzi got you scared like a monster, monster, monster

[Break: Michael Jackson]
Too bad Hollywood has got you jumping like you should
Too bad it's got you bouncing off the wall
It's got you drunk enough to fall )
Too bad, Hollywood, just look in the mirror
And tell me you like, don't you, don't you like it?

[Chorus: Michael Jackson]
Monster, he's a monster, he's an animal
Monster, yeah, he's a monster, he's an animal

[Verse 2: Michael Jackson]
He's coming at ya, coming at ya rather too fast
Ma ma se, ma ma got you in a zig zag
And you're running and you're running just to escape it
But they're gunning for the money so they fake it
Everywhere you seem to turn there's a monster
When you look up in the air, there's a monster
Or when you see them in the street
There's a monster, monster, monster

[Break: Michael Jackson]
Too bad Hollywood has got you jumping like you should
It's got you bouncing off the wall
It's got you drunk enough to fall
Too bad, Hollywood, just look in the mirror
And tell me ya like what ya see

[Chorus: Michael Jackson]
Monster, he's like an animal
He's a monster, just like an animal, he's an animal
And he's moving in the air
Monster, he's a monster, he's an animal
Everybody wanna be a star

[Break: Michael Jackson]
Why are they never satisfied with and all you give?
You give them your all, they're watchin you fall
And they eat your soul like a vegetable

[Verse 3: 50 Cent]
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Catch me in a bad mood, flipping, you'll take a whippin'
Animal, Hannibal, cannibal addiction
Tears appear, yeah, blurring your vision
Fear in the air, screaming, your blood drippin'
Shiver a second, now, now, now, what is it?
Funerals, cemeteries, don't worry, it's time to visit
Broke bones, tombstones, how do you think I'm kiddin'?
It's home, sweet home, the land of the forbidden
All hail, run tell, the King has risen
2010 Thriller, there's nothin iller, it's killer
Their vision, they miss 'em, won't impact, this is that
It's the bomb, ring the alarm, MJ number one
It goes on and on, it goes on and on
We get to creeping and crawling in the early morn'
Dream on dreamer, there's nowhere to run
You can try but you're done
I can feel it in the air, here the monster come

[Break: Michael Jackson]
Too bad Hollywood has got you jumping like you should, girl
It's got you bouncing off the wall
It's got you drunk enough to fall
Too bad Hollywood just making it clearer
And tell me ya like, don't you, don't you like it?

[Chorus: Michael Jackson]
Monster, she wanna be a star
He's a monster, say you wanna go far
He's an animal, why do you keep stalkin me?
Monster (what ya do to me?)
He's a monster, why did you take it? Why did you fake it?
He's an animal, yeah, why are you haunting me?
Monster, why are you stalkin me?
He's a monster, why are you haunting me?
He's an animal
Why did you do it? Why did you? Why are you stalkin me?
Monster, why are you hauntin me?
He's a monster, why are you haunting me?
He's an animal, why did you? Why did you?

[Outro: Michael Jackson]
He's draggin you down like a monster
He's keepin you down like a monster

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Interpretacja piosenki

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