Millertski - Horror Zone 2 [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Millertski
Album: The War Story
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Millertski
Tekst: Millertski

Tekst piosenki

I don't know, I don't know what to do anymore
I don't, no I don't know what to do anymore
Fill up a swear jar or, kill everybody until they jam spaghetti
Through the intestines and murder 'em right now

[Verse 1]
Kill 'em dead until the led in the blood bleeds and they've bled
All their period blood out and go turn at a round about
Probably about to shoot up some retards, fee'd farts
Please throw a dart at my head, kill me and I'll watch myself die
From heaven's gates and eleven dates in the same week
Should kill me but it won't, I got a date with Freddy
So he can kill me and sock me in the jaw with his claws
Just then Jason comes from the back with a chainsaw
And lets out all the pain as raw as can be, I know in two years
Your buddies will still be hitting that ecstasy, sit next to me
Give him a lecture like it's just a fee, justified? I think I'd rather die
Now watch me, I might whip and whip and dip
Hit a clit until it's shredded up and bled into two different cups
Give Michael Myers a knife and watch him cut his mouth open
Jeff The Killer is back for revenge with a vengence like he got ten cents in his pocket and

It's like I'm in a horror zone and I won't let go of
All the shit that's happened to me, I know you won't die
But I'm a try anyway, until they carry the blood away in a bag
I know I'm in a horror zone until they take me out of the show

[Verse 2]
Put you in a ditch so you can cringe at your own blood
You're all red and you don't give up, you're fucked up!
I'm out for blood like a fucking werewolf and I paired gullible bitches
Full of it, yes it's Millertski and I'm as dead as can be
Watch me whip all over you and I'm considerable
As the best but that's arguable, so start up an argument
Compulsion into you're expulsion and expelled from class just then
Look at him, he'll be as insane as when he started up his passion
For Rapping and gets a lap dance then comes and compares me to a killer
But I'm no killer, I'm just iller than you wanna-be's
Will you ever want a bee? Like you know, I see that I please
You see that I sneeze, cause I'm allergic to good beats
I rape skeletons while they develop heads
Before they're even fetus's but I'm a take an enema
And celebrate your death then I'm a delicately place your body
In the river, nobody will find it, are you crying bitch?
Good, nobody wants to hear you smiling and being laffy taffy

It's like I'm in a horror zone and I won't let go of
All the shit that's happened to me, I know you won't die
But I'm a try anyway, until they carry the blood away in a bag
I know I'm in a horror zone until they take me out of the show

I don't know, I don't know what to do anymore
I don't, no I don't know what to do anymore
Fill up a swear jar or, kill everybody until they jam spaghetti
Through the intestines and murder 'em right now

[Verse 3]
You can't be no happy camper at Crystal Lake
You can only be miserable and Jason won't find you and kill you
He hears one scream and your dead miss
Red shit all over the walls, just then your jaw breaks
As soon as you see the demon, I'm running
Leaving you to die yourself, goodbye!
Not gonna let you live, die bitch! Die!
But you know you only get one chance at life
Until you pass the pipe and you die from an allergic reaction
But you're just the pleading argument bitches that I don't fuck with
But I'm as delusional and diabolical as you buying a bible
I burn bibles, you read fables written by a human being
Where's God to protect you, stop me and stop everybody
The villain's are being hell-dwelling skeletons with belt straps on them
Developing a new fetus in your stomach, missy
But Misty, I see you over here with your spaghetti straps
Who thought that I'da fap to a new Rap made about Misty from Pokemon
Fapping to Anime? What the fuck is wrong with you Millertski?! (HA)

It's like I'm in a horror zone and I won't let go of
All the shit that's happened to me, I know you won't die
But I'm a try anyway, until they carry the blood away in a bag
I know I'm in a horror zone until they take me out of the show

[Verse 4]
Fap, go to sleep, fap again and masturbate in the morning
That's all I do, all I do, yes that's all I do
And I'm insane in the membrane as you're just waiting away
On me to say something that you don't wanna hear
I'm all ears, you're all eyes, you see me and you wonder; should I be worried?
Talk to me on the streets next to a trash can, I'll have you in the trash then
You'll sit there crying like a little bitch wantin' attention
But you ain't no anorexic with a witch to the side of her
Lie to her and you die in front of her
She'll scream and if she touches anything
She's bound to fall apart, too bony for my tastes, I like thick bitches
I don't mind BBW as long as I know if I'm getting into trouble
And if she'll eat everything in the house, lick a bitch on her menstural cycle
And watch her bleed in my mouth while I'm eating her out
I scream in that dark abyss, bat cave
Where the only thing you see are spider webs and then I say

It's like I'm in a horror zone and I won't let go of
All the shit that's happened to me, I know you won't die
But I'm a try anyway, until they carry the blood away in a bag
I know I'm in a horror zone until they take me out of the show

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Interpretacja piosenki

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