NLE Choppa feat. Lil Baby - Narrow Road [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: NLE Choppa
Album: Top Shotta
Data wydania: 2020-07-30
Gatunek: Rap, Trap
Producent: Quay Global
Tekst: Lil Baby, NLE Choppa, Quay Global

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: NLE Choppa]
(Cook that shit up, Quay)
Top Shotta, Don Dada
Got the bombs like Al-Qaeda, uh
NLE the Top Shotta, yeah, yeah

[Chorus: NLE Choppa]
I just copped the Range Rover (Big body), with some Forgis (With some Forgiatos)
Sippin' codeine (Codeine), feelin' like a dope fiend (A dope fiend)
He say I'm not a killer, that nigga don't know me (Brrt)
My OG told me put in work when I was fourteen (When I was fourteen)
Goin' down a narrow road (A narrow road)
Goin' down a narrow road (A narrow road)
Goin' down a narrow road (A narrow road)
I'm goin' down a narrow road, road, road

[Verse 1: NLE Choppa]
They tell me think smart (Think smart), I know right from wrong (Wrong)
They tell me I'ma get life with this dirty chrome (Get life)
Well, you would rather take a life before they take your own (Don Dada)
And bitch, I been through some shit, I come from a broken home
I got a different mentality, bitch, it's kill or be killed (Kill or, yeah)
I'd rather kill a rat before I write a statement and squeal (Yeah, yeah)
It ain't no fakes up in my circle, real recognize real (Yeah, yeah)
I kicked that boy up out my cot that night that I did my drill
'Cause, ayy, we are not the same (We are not the same)
I got murder, murder, murder runnin' through my brain (It's runnin' through my brain)
And bitch, I'm hurt up inside, piranhas swim through my veins (Swim through my veins)
Put your feelings on the toilet, watch it twirl down the drain
They askin' who I need, well, I don't need shit (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Only thing I need is this Glock 23, bitch (Grrt, grrt)
Flyin' overseas got a young nigga seasick
I was just posted in the street like some cement, yeah, yeah, yeah

[Chorus: NLE Choppa]
I just copped the Range Rover (Big body), with some Forgis (With some Forgiatos)
Sippin' codeine (Codeine), feelin' like a dope fiend (A dope fiend)
He say I'm not a killer, that nigga don't know me (Brrt)
My OG told me put in work when I was fourteen (When I was fourteen)
Goin' down a narrow road (A narrow road)
Goin' down a narrow road (A narrow road)
Goin' down a narrow road (A narrow road)
I'm goin' down a narrow road, road, road

[Verse 2: Lil Baby]
Road gettin' narrow (Narrow), slimmer and slimmer (Slim)
Pray to God that I forget, try my best not to remember (Ah)
It's a cold, cold world and I was born in December
I'm forever steppin' forward, you know I'm one of the members
They try to tax us SSI, then we start goin' and get 'em
Really showed me what it was, I'll probably never forgive ya
Start havin' what you ain't had and they'll look at you different
But it don't matter, I'm in my bag, it's gettin' bigger and bigger
Now the Range Rover class Sport and stamps on my passport
Never know we was trippin', I got everything I asked for
Youngin out here robbin', I'm tryna tell that nigga to mask up
We get all the bags around the way, niggas can't gas us
I ain't really got too much to say but fuck the task force
Keep mindin' my business, hold my weight, and run my cash up
Sometimes I just ride 'round with my stick inside my Lam' truck
Everywhere I go, somebody put me on they camera

[Chorus: NLE Choppa]
I just copped the Range Rover (Big body), with some Forgis (With some Forgiatos)
Sippin' codeine (Codeine), feelin' like a dope fiend (A dope fiend)
He say I'm not a killer, that nigga don't know me (Brrt)
My OG told me put in work when I was fourteen (When I was fourteen)
Goin' down a narrow road (A narrow road)
Goin' down a narrow road (A narrow road)
Goin' down a narrow road (A narrow road)
I'm goin' down a narrow road, road, road

[Outro: NLE Choppa]
A big body with some Forgiatos
Codeine, a dope fiend
When I was fourteen
A narrow road, ayy, hey
A narrow road
A narrow road, ayy

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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"Narrow Road" to singiel będący efektem pierwszej współpracy pomiędzy NLE Choppa i Lil Baby. Utwór został wydany 30 lipca 2020 roku jako promocyjny singiel debiutanckiego studyjnego albumu NLE Choppy, zatytułowanego "Top Shotta" po tym, jak zapowiadano i promowano go prawie rok przed wydaniem singla.


Potwierdzono, że Baby pojawi się gościnnie w jednym z utworów Choppy, kiedy NLE Choppa wpadł na Baby podczas zakupów biżuterii w IceBox 22 sierpnia 2019 roku. Singiel "Narrow Road" został zapowiedziany kilka dni później w wygasłej już historii na Instagramie Choppy.


NLE Choppa i Lil Baby rapują o swoich samochodach i uzbrojeniu. Obaj artyści wspominają także swój "uliczny" styl życiu, który ich zdaniem przystosował ich do każdego rodzaju sytuacji, ale także mówią o kłopotach z prawem. Każdy z Artystów wyraża swoje zdanie na temat poruszanych spraw.

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