N.W.A - Sa Prize (Fuck Tha' Police - Part 2) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: N.W.A
Album: 100 Miles and Runnin'
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Dr. Dre, DJ Yella

Tekst piosenki

*phone rings*
[Sgt. Kickass]
Police Department, Sgt. Kickass speaking
Yeah, uh.. Kickass, hey it's me again
[Sgt. Kickass]
Hold on... hold on a fuckin' minute!
*door opens, then closes*
[Sgt. Kickass]
What the fuck is your problem? I told you not to call me here!
This better be some good shit...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got a big one, it's going down tonight
B-B-B-But it's gonna cost you two thousand
[Sgt. Kickass]
Wha, you cluckerin' motherfu--
Listen if you wanna make the deal, you fat motherfucker!
It's at 477 Savona Way, 4 A.M.! And don't fuck me!
*phone hangs up*
[Police 1]
Hey I don't feel good about this one man
[Police 2]
Hey we been fuckin' doin' this for 10 years and we haven't been caught yet
[Police 1]
Yeah I just don't know about this one
[Police 2]
Hey just shut the fuck up and pass me a donut

*phone rings*
[Dr. Dre]
Yeah, what's happening?
Hey what's up Dre?
[Dr. Dre]
Ayo Doc, what's happenin' man, you hook that shit up with 5-0?
Oh I hooked that shit up man, this shit's jumpin' off tonight
It oughta be happenin' at 4 in the morning
[Dr. Dre]
Ah alright, we got somethin' for their ass
[Police 1]
Quiet... quiet... Sgt. said this was gonna be pretty easy
[Police 2]
Yeah, but never underestimate those fucking niggers
[Police 1]
Alright are you ready?
[Police 2]
Yeah, I'm as ready as I'll ever be
[Police 1]
Alright, on 3
1... 2... 3!
*door busts open*
[Both Police 1 and 2]
Shoot that motherfucker!
[Dr. Dre]
That's mothafuckin' police
Punk mothafunka


Fuck the police! Fuck, fuck, fuck the police!
[Fuck them motherfuckers!]
Fuck, fuck, fuck the police!
[The big payback] You're motherfucking right, yo

[Verse 1: Dr. Dre]
Fuck the motherfucking police!
They don't want peace, they want a nigga deceased
So he'll cease to be a problem, and by the way the perform
It seems the Klan gave the white police another uniform
And yo the black police, the house niggas
They gave you a motherfucking gun, so I guess you figure
You made out, good to go, but you didn't know
They would stick your black ass back in the ghetto, yo
To kill another nigga, catch him with crack, in fact
Freebase - they put in the neighborhood in the first place
But the brothers ain't stupid, remember that
You got a gat, I got a gat, so whassup with that
A to the motherfuckin K
The last words you hear, then the smoke appears
Tears, from your motherfuckin family
They're starin at me, but I'm goin gun happy, fuck 'em!
Shootin everything in sight tonight's the night to get hyped
And fight for what's wrong, fuck what's right!
And by the way, my name is Dre
So listen up motherfucker to what I gotta say, yo


(Now for the first episode)

Yeah that shit's hittin man, where the volume at?
Hold-up, hold-up, hold-up, one-time, one-time, one-time
Put the joint out! Put the joint out!
Hey you motherfuckers want to step out of the car?
Don't you know it's against the law to play music so god damn loud?
Shut the fuck up! Go to jail? Or gimme that shit you was just smoking

Motherfuckers from high crime areas view the police as a threat
And that's some shit you betta not forget

[Verse 2: Eazy-E]
Eazy E's the name feared by most
When, a lil nigga is thrown in the pen
But on the streets there's two kinds of people
White rich fucks and the ones who get harassed like me
Pull over to the side, routine for me
Tearin' up my shit, like they lookin for a key of cocaine
But they never find the shit
Ain't got nuttin better to do and nobody else to fuck wit
Thinkin' everything is stolen
But can't face facts that a young black nigga's just rollin
Making more money than they ever make
Taking more shit than they ever take
Yo pigs are made to kill, and no regret and
Keep your hand on your weapon shoot his ass and start steppin
Cause I'm a nigga that don't give a fuck about nothin
So let me explain a lil somethin, yo

See, I got this problem, a big problem...
Cops don't like me, so I don't like motherfucking cops


Episode Two:
Get out of the fuckin car!
Wait a god damn minute what the hell did I do?
Hey just shut the fuck up black bitch
Wait a minute, you ain't gotta be pullin me by my motherfuckin hair! Let
Go of my motherfuckin hair!
Hey just step the fuck back and shut up!
Get your motherfuckin' hands off of me!
Calm down, calm down now... listen, we're gonna go around this corner, and
You're gonna suck me and my partner's dicks, or you're gonna
Be one black dead nigger bitch

[The D.O.C.]
Police brutality is common in my neighborhood
That's why I hate them motherfuckers

[Verse 3: MC Ren]
I said fuck the police but with a little more force
And maybe now I get my point across
It's a lot here that's goin on, just open your eyes and look
Everyday a young nigga is took
Off the face of the street by a police
It's like they gotta a nigga chained on a short leash
You can't leave out the city that they shacked up
Cause if you do that's the right they got you jacked up
It's embarassin because you know they justice, but all you can do
Is say fuck this, because if you move, that's all she wrote
So what? The excuse to shoot, or they rather stomp your head
Til you're dead with the steel-toe boot
Harassin me with some kind of mind game
Actin like a nigga just was born with a gang-name
You call that right but when you're black there's no right
Some recreational shit was only a gang fight
So shootin at the cops was a street thing
To waste time have to explain don't do cocaine
But everything was done just for peace
To retaliate, on the fuckin police, so I'm sayin


(The final episode)

Episode Three:
Hey Juan, look at the piece of ass man
Watch out watch out watch out homes!
Oh shit man you fucked up, you hit a police car
I didn't see that piece of caca!
Better act like you don't speak ingles homes
What the fuck? Get your ass out of there, I've had enough
Of your raggedy ass motherfucking shit!
Oh man no me pegues! por que me pegas? No! por favor no! No! Por que?

[Hook x2]

Chinga tu pinche madre, pinche policias weys, pendejos, salvajes, culeros…

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