Obie Trice - Lady [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Obie Trice
Album: Cheers, Eminem Vs. DJ Whoo Kid: Shady Classics Mixtape
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Eminem, Luis Resto

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Obie Trice]
Can we re-enact Biggie's song?
Can you shit on me? I just want you to shit on me, Obie

[Hook: Eminem]
Hey lady, hey darling, hey baby, I'm sorry
But I can't be, your boyfriend if you toy with, my mothafuckin' emotions
I'll kill you, bitch I'm fucking for real, I'll make you suffer
Like I suffered, if you fuck me, then I'll make you fall in love

(I don't think you really wanna be my girl
Fucking with me could be dangerous
You never know what I may really be like in real life
I'm the type, that might flip and get a little bit crazy)

[Verse 1: Obie]
Baby I'm extra large (huge) in magnitude
And Magnums the lubrication that I use
To chose which hole on a ho I abuse
Have 'em confused, can't tell who is who
When I fuck the shit out you, then the next day (bitch)
I'll rush the shit out you off my two-way (ooh wait)
You wanna cuddle, emotional hustle up on Pocono's
Poke ya nose in and outta Obie's own
No, I'm in and out your home
And this in, and out your tone
I ain't the nigga that settles 'em down
Put 'em in nice homes and floss 'em around
I bounce 'em around, camcord the sex
And sell 'em around town, how that sound?
If I was in love with ya, now you wanna clown?
Fuck with them clowns until I pound on your crown
Bust a few rounds and the cops come and get me
Bad mouth a nigga just to convince a jury
You don't want it with me, you just horny as me
You want a nut, nothing but what it should be

[Verse 2: Eminem]
I'm internationally known baby but actually
There are few people who know how I am naturally
All you know is that I can act irrationally
When you shove a puppet up in my face on national TV
So they label me this crazed loony rap bully
But truthfully that ain't the truth and if you believe
In that shit then you'll believe anything's true
And you're too stupid to ever get to know me personally
But personally that actually works for me
Cause the last thing that I need's a string attached to me
I'm a bachelor, bitch, and I ain't in no fast fury
To run out and find a new Mrs. Mathers
Cause see, technically me and Kim ain't back fully
But we do still make booty calls occasionally
But be damned if I end up back in that pattern
And we end up back at that god damn tavern
And having another déjà vu, we seeing security
Pass my pussy around like it's Ja Rule's jewelry
I got news for you bitch, your new curfew's early
You ain't home by 2:30, [gunshot], you heard me?


[Verse 3: Obie]
See you looking at the life, you looking at the lights
You looking at the ice, you ain't looking at the Trice
You should look at some advice when I say he ain't nice
Despite the fact you think you the feisty type
O love to fight, I love the drama
Love when my bitch get to cussing out Yolanda (fuck you, bitch!)
Find the Obie condom on the counter
Swinging her weave, can't breathe like I can't believe!
Least I ain't deceive and try to mislead
And sell a dream just to get you on my team
I came clean to keep down the beef
Keep down my reach, you can keep all your teeth, sweety

[Verse 4: Eminem]
See what we do under the covers should stay between the covers
And the two of us and we ain't gotta be news coverage
On the front page cover of Us as new lovers
But this is when a bitch get to showing her true colors
Cause the truth of it, everything that I do's public
And you'd love it if you could run and tell all your friends
Guess who you just screwed as soon as me and you've done it
And save the used rubber to show 'em the proof of it
I guess it's do unto others as you'd have 'em do unto you
But you better be careful of who you're doing it to
Cause you never know when the shoe could end up
On the other foot and it backfires on you
Cause you may think you want it, then you want me, til you get me
Then you got me and you're fucked cause you'll be stuck with me
For the rest of your life cause if I get attached to you
We'll be joined at the hip, I'll be so latched to you
You'll be walking out the house and I'll run up and tackle you
Chain your ass up to the bed and shackle you
You don't think you're leaving this house in that, do you?
Not 'til I brand my name in your ass and tattoo you
And have you walking out this bitch in turtleneck sweaters
Scarves and full leathers in 90 degree weather
Front on me? Never cause we gon' be together forever
Right bitch? Right bitch?


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Interpretacja piosenki

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