Pop Smoke - Scenario [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Pop Smoke
Album: Meet the Woo, Meet the Woo (Deluxe Version)
Data wydania: 2019-07-26
Gatunek: Drill, East Coast
Producent: 808Melo

Tekst piosenki

Traphouse Mob
Shout out my 50 Clocc niggas, my 100 Clocc niggas
Big 092MLBOA to the Swish, uh
FTO shit, free Jeezy, free Clutch, free Melly Gs, man
Ten K, what up? Trav, what up? Uh

Pull up, we snatching your babas
Big 092, those my guys
Pull up and change the scenario
Act up and bullets start tearing 'em, uh
My body different, hop in the foreign, I'm drifting
Tell Dread lift him, give him bald head like he Clifton
Pull up, we snatching your babas
Big 092, those my guys
Pull up and change the scenario
Act up and bullets start tearing 'em, uh
My body different, hop in the foreign, I'm drifting
Tell Dread lift him, give him bald head like he Clifton

[Verse 1]
I don't know why these filthy niggas talkin' hot
There be no filthy niggas on the scene
I got like fifty rounds up in that clip
I put that fifty clip up to your bean
Then let it bang for nothing
10K in back the Wraith for nothin'
Zanotti got shot and he sang for nothin'
Hope the lawyer beat the case, a hundred
Nigga, I'm the Big Fuu, Big 092
I spent like four racks on Amiris
What the fuck they gon' tell me? Y'all niggas leery
Step back for the three like I'm Curry (Swish)
Nigga, I'm a big Suvy, I make a movie
Pull up and clap your kufi
Nigga, I make an action movie, I make an action movie
Pull up to TD in i8
If we all getting money, then why hate?
Smoove Heasy the renty
That boy is too benty
He 'bout to go fuck up the crime rate
I got twenty-twos up in my coupe
Act up in the school, we pull up, we give him the boot
And I'm big flossy woo
No construction, but a nigga know I got the tool

Pull up, we snatching your babas
Big 092, those my guys
Pull up and change the scenario
Act up and bullets start tearing 'em, uh
My body different, hop in the foreign, I'm drifting
Tell Dread lift him, give him bald head like he Clifton
Pull up, we snatching your babas
Big 092, those my guys
Pull up and change the scenario
Act up and bullets start tearing 'em, uh
My body different, hop in the foreign, I'm drifting
Tell Dread lift him, give him bald head like he Clifton

[Verse 2]
Said I'm never lacking, always pistol packing
With them automatics, we gon' send 'em to Heaven
Pull up, what's crackin', nigga, what you jackin'?
Find his body up on Channel 11
Bag him up, groceries
Ain't no exposing me, ain't no controlling me
No, we don't fuck with them people
If I want you dead, then you dead
You know I got guns in the bed
Know I got one in the head
Free the cig whale up out the cage
Brody got locked for attempt
Ready, set, go
It's big 092 MLBOA
Hit that boy up in a GLA
Fly down your block like an eagle
And I'm so stuck in my ways
And I can't forget about the A's (Swish)
We gon' send shots where you stay
We gon' send shots where you lay
All the opps like, "Pop who?"
But I bet they wanna be Pop Smoke
Give him hot shells like taco
I'm big woo the flex, nigga, not cho
And I'm still swerving from potholes
And I'm still shooting at Tahoes
Everybody know I rock soft
Bad bitches, yeah, I got those

Pull up, we snatching your babas
Big 092, those my guys
Pull up and change the scenario
Act up and bullets start tearing 'em, uh
My body different, hop in the foreign, I'm drifting
Tell Dread lift him, give him bald head like he Clifton
Pull up, we snatching your babas
Big 092, those my guys
Pull up and change the scenario
Act up and bullets start tearing 'em, uh
My body different, hop in the foreign, I'm drifting
Tell Dread lift him, give him bald head like he Clifton

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

Clifton Young to 19-letni mężczyzna z Chicago, który nie ma linii włosów. Pop Smoke kpi z Cliftona, nazywając go łysym. Pop Smoke lubi gorąco rozmawiać na Instagramie, Twitterze itp. Ale kiedy nadejdzie czas, by się pojawić, nie będzie tam tych samych ludzi, którzy rozmawiali.


Kufi to religijno-kulturowe nakrycie głowy noszone przez mężczyzn z Afryki Zachodniej. Zasadniczo Pop Smoke mówi, że zatrzyma się i strzelił przeciwnikowi w głowę. TD to bank, a i8 odnosi się do BMW i8, samochodu kosztującego ponad 140 000 dolarów. To nawiązanie do początkowych wersów jego hitu „Dior”. Pop Smoke mówi, że zabije wszystkich, jeśli jego wrogowie się poślizgną.

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść poprawki musi być wypełniona. Dziękujemy za wysłanie poprawki.
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