Redman - Welcome To Gilla House [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Redman
Album: Ill At Will Mixtape Vol. 1
Data wydania: 2004-01-01
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

It ain't the way you walk
That makes you a gangsta
It ain't the way you talk
That makes you a gangsta
No matter now many guns you got
You ain't no gangsta
Cause you ain't gon' bust no shots
And that ain't gangsta

[Verse One]
Me and the mic like Adam and Eve
Getting y'all nose open like Claritin D
I'm back in the basement, the black Julio Iglesias
Got hoes that's not high maintenance
Can you taste it? Bricks in the air
So next year, they elect Doc for mayor
Whoever the king now, give up the crown
And don't fumble when you running for touchdowns
I'm one quarterback that can throw the bomb
That's why half my arm is golden bronze
Over a hundred yards
Shit I even hit the man in the stand, yelling hot dog
Believe it, my rhyming is good
Each Row is Death like it is signed to Suge
I'm one hot nigga you can find in the hood
So don't find your punk ass lying in the woods
Dead and stinking, L.O.D. back on the map, we linking
There's gonna be a lot of funerals and Lincolns
Keith Murray got his shit together so fuck you and whoever
Gillahouse, that's the code
I spit fire like that dude that won Next Episode
Stop drop and roll while Bricks unload
Muddy Waters, who next to get [?]

[Gov-Matic Interlude]

{beat change}

[Verse Two]
Chicks know I'mma freak on the low
Doc like Saddam, you can find me in the hole
In the bed, they say "Red tied me to the post
Fucked my brains out." With your hands on my throat
I know they like the way I rock the boat
Wax ass, my dick squirt Mop N Glo
Mob Double O, I'm in the traffic dipping
You trying to win a Benz with a raffle ticket
But you can have the car and the jewels
I don't need material to put fire to you fools
I started young
Made my umbilical cord a guitar and my mother's stomach a drum
Made my first hit when I was three months
Celebrated, left my mom throwing up
Funk Doctor, don't spit he throw it up
Like a fo' fo' built in my lower gut

Yeah, one time for you motherfucking niggas
Yeah, one time for you motherfucking bitches
Yeah, one time for you motherfucking niggas
Yeah, one time for you motherfucking bitches

I'mma show you how to smoke now, my blunts fat and then yo' ass fat
So bitch let's go fuck
I'mma show you how to smoke now, my blunts fat and then yo' ass fat
So bitch let's go fuck

[Verse Three]
Yo, pins and needles, needles and pins
A happy nigga, is a happy nigga that sins
I'm like Jackie Chan in the hand with pens
Mixed with Jet Li and Anthony Anderson
My clientele is Seinfeld status
My rap quotables, best thing since Hamlet
I'm in the hood like Planned Parent
Bust a nut, get up and put her on mass transit
Redman is in the house motherfucker
I put the infra red dot to your trucker
I'm underground, I live out of bunker
This ain't the world of Willy Wonka
It's the Bricks nigga

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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