Sheck Wes - Malle Ratty [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Sheck Wes
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

Sheck Wes

[Verse 1]
Bitch, I shoot shots like Malle Ratty
Sheck Wes fuck thots like Malle Ratty
And I run from the cops like Malle Ratty
And I always got the drop like Malle Ratty
And I used to be short like Malle Ratty
Now a nigga tall like Malle Ratty
Now a nigga fuck whores like Malle Ratty
Now a nigga ball like Malle Ratty
And I love Nick Young, I'm Malle Cali
I'm the goat like Kobe, I'm Malle Cali
And I'm like Lil B, I'm Malle Cali
Bitch, I ball, KD, I'm Malle Caddy
And, bitch, I'm skinny like Malle Ratty
But I hit you with the Hemi like Malle Ratty
And I don't drink Henny, I'm Malle Ratty
And my bitch named Jenni 'cause I'm Malle Ratty
And I still got fame like Malle Ratty
They know Sheck Wes name like Malle Ratty
I've been going through some things like Malle Ratty
But I smile through the pain like Malle Ratty
Then I put my chains on 'cause I'm Malle Ratty
'Cause I'm a slave to the game like Malle Ratty
I'm with Jonah and Austin cause they Malle Ratty
And I be with Mike, that's Malle Ratty
And I be with SB, that's Malle Ratty
Catch me on TV, that's Malle Ratty
I'm a Mac, you a PC, Malle Ratty
And I rock Nike, that's Malle Ratty
And I drink liquor, that's Malle Ratty
Bitch, I don't drink liquor, that's Malle Ratty
Bitch, I be in the mall scouting Malle Ratty
Call me young buck boss, I'm with Malle Ratty
Call me young Sheck Wes, bitch, I'm Malle Ratty
Bitch, you know I'm the best, that's Malle Ratty
Catch me in the 'jects like Malle Ratty
I'm on the M10 like Malle Ratty

[Verse 2]
Yeah, shout out to my nigga Alu
That nigga Malle Ratty too
Shoutout to my nigga Austin
That nigga be bossing
Straight flossing like Malle Ratty
Young Sheck Wes, bitch, I'm Malle Ratty
You can catch me on the block like Malle Ratty
And I'm posted with the opps like Malle Ratty
'Cause I'm a opp, nigga, I'm Sheck Wes
I'm Malle Malle, ready, got my vest, vest
Sheck Wes, bitch, bitch, I'm Malle Ratty
Bitch, I ball like Kobe, I'm Malle Ratty
That's two phones, nigga, that's Malle Ratty
That's purple and gold, that's Malle Ratty
Bitch I'm, Malle Ratty

[Verse 3]
Bitch, I ball hard like Malle Ratty
Bitch, I'm a boss like Malle Ratty
Catch me going hard like Malle Ratty
Bitch, I'm a boss like Malle Ratty
Sheck Wes, I'm a boss like Malle Ratty
Sheck Wes, I'm a boss like Malle Ratty
Sheck Wes, I'm a boss like Malle Ratty
Sheck Wes, I'ma ball like Malle Ratty
Sheck Wes, I'ma ball like Malle Ratty
Yeah, bitches gon' fall, that's Malle Ratty
I put that on my moms, that's Malle Ratty
And I'm three stripes down, that's Malle Ratty
I said I'm freestyling, nigga, that's Malle Ratty
That's straight off the dome, that's Malle Ratty
And I'm 'bout to go home, that's Malle Ratty
I just left the studio, that's Malle Ratty

Woo, yeah
And I ain't changing shit to this beat
I'm keeping it like this
Shoutout to my nigga Malle Ratty
This shit is emotional
This shit is deadass right now
I'm in the studio
This is Sheck Wes, I'ma take over the world
And I'ma fuck with everybody
Nigga, fuck is you talking about?
I ain't got beef with nobody, 'cause you know what
I'm out here and I'm a good person
I got a good heart
Mad shit coming straight from the bottom, know what I'm saying?
Me and my nigga Austin, we gon' make this, straight flossing, nigga
If you ain't SB or my gang, I love you
But if you don't like us, fuck you, nigga, suck my dick, bitch
I'm out
Sheck Wes, best, best, I'm Malle Ratty
I'm Malle Ratty

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

"Malle Ratty" to piosenka o dobrym przyjacielu Sheck Wesa i o rzeczach, które lubi on i jego ukochany przyjaciel Malle. Raper przygląda się także problemom z jakimi musieli się zmierzyć na przestrzeni ostatnich lat.


Malle i Sheck Wes grali w koszykówkę z Malle Ratty w Harlemie. Sheck Wes odwołuje się do kwantowego paradoksu znanego jako Cat Schrodingera. Sheck Wes nie pije alkoholu zapobiegających tym samym negatywnym skutą jego zażywania.


Kolejne wersy są jedynie hołdem dla wiedzy fizyki kwantowej Wesa. Malle Ratty jest przyjacielem Shecka Wesa. Łaczy ich chociażby gra w koszykówkę, a także długoletnia znajomość, która przetrwała po dzień dzisiejszy.

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