Smino - Father Son Holy Smoke [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Smino
Album: blkswn
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1]
Good riddance
Shawty she be comin off the top
Like some good writtens
Every time I speak, where the deacons?
Need a good witness
(Preach, nigga)
Dreams really, hood vivid
Daddy want a Chevy with the wood in it
Momma, we can pull up in the woods with it
Woah, woah, woah
Midnight moon make your whole soul glow
Je m'appelle Smino papi yeah
Me don't wanna hurt no body, yeah
We just want my people thriving, yeah
Kill the cops and starve the culture vultures
I'm learning to teach my kids about agriculture
F.D.A approving murder burgers
The bullets ain't the only thing that hurt us
We're really all supposed to serve a purpose

Smoke in the mirror I can't see
I've just been looking for saline
Solutions and ways these ways these days
Lay your head down on me baby
Coconut oil on my grey tee
But it's cool, you know, cause it's you

[Verse 2]
Where I'm from, bro, all we know
We get bread, pull up, nigga show me
Runnin' up the check like some fucking roshes
Ain't about the check, nigga don't approach me
You know this ain't nothing new
The cops all capser, slide on fool
Clap, clap then cha, cha real smooth
Get their PR on the news
Oh, lemme stop
Hop in the booth and eject the top
Thot in the booth, boy, I'm bound to pop
Ratchet and righteous, we all we got
Shout out my momma, she never judge me
Even told me I'm cute when I know I'm ugly
Shout the ones all, now only God control me
Smoking nowadays, I always need three to hold me

The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind
The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind
The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind
The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind

[Verse 3]
Came from the concrete, breakin' the concrete
Still on the conquest, feeling incomplete
The Father, Son wimme, I can conquer all things
That smoke be so holy
I grew up Northside city, you know
You really gotta show me for a nigga to know
I been 'round the Chi, LA, NY to the bay
But Lou' still feel like home
Jackie Chan when I land every time
They be saying every line, goddamn
They demand a reprise, goddamn
Let me hear you one time, say yeah
Grandma preaching 'bout Ephesians
'Til it beat into our DNA
Cuzzo addicted to the liq'
Visually it had me thinkin' differently
Everybody different, 'cause it ain't like he didn't listen
It's just the cards he was dealt out the deck
Remy on deck, we lit like a kitchen
Free Shorty Blood, Free Unc forever, got life
I been bearing with that since a cub
Got all this pack on me, this just my luggage
Smino stone, miss Angie, my big cousin
Stones on the bottom teeth, I put the slugs in
That's just religion
Shit we've been dreaming since children
Been steady appearin'
Gearing up
Glass glass smeared up
Roads clearin' up

Smoke in the mirror I can't see
I've just been looking for saline
Solutions and ways these ways these days
Lay your head down on me baby
Coconut oil on my grey tee
But it's cool, you know, cause it's you

The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind
The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind
The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind
The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind
The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind
The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind
The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind
The Father, the Son
The Holy Smoke that cool my mind
I found me a bomb
That Nova Scotia blew my mind

Smoke, smoke, smoke

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Smino wydał „Father Son Holy Smoke” 11 marca, trzy dni przed wydaniem swojego debiutanckiego albumu „blkswn”.


Ambona jest sceną, na której stoi ksiądz, gdy mówi, podczas gdy diakoni są ministrami niższymi niż ksiądz. Smino głosi swoje słowo, ale robi to sam. Na kilka tygodni przed „blkswn” Ravyn wydała swój drugi epizod zatytułowany, Midnight Moonlight, który zawiera elementy R&B, Neo-soul i Hip-hop.


Ravyn i Smino współpracowali przy „Glass Flows”. Smino chce po prostu, aby czarni ludzie mogli prosperować na tym świecie, ponieważ demografia musiała - i nadal napotyka - wiele trudności.


Ścieżka do tego wydaje się pozbyć uprzedzonych gliniarzy i ludzi żerujących na czarnej kulturze, i odradzająco uczyć dorastających i przybyszów, jak rosnąć w siłę.

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