Souls of Mischief - Get the Girl, Grab the Money and Run [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Tekst piosenki

It goes one, two, three-
That's the count of the immaster mount that's got scrilla
We got the killa Taj and willa young lady looking sensuous to socialize
I sense she is down so she lie back with me
Cuz it's a natural thing, so act quickly
Cuz it's like that we gonna be...
...Out the dope stack and my pockets relax -Calm
Collecting my scratch and the girlies attracked; I snatched
Women, make them collapse on their back side
That's right; when I'm finished, vanish into the night
Like the caped crusader don't say "hi" to the trick
Can't appreciate them, cuz they just be riding the dick
See, we too fly to be weak, telling hoes to step aside
Be like "I ain't the one" but get them sprung when I'm erectified
I betcha tried to get my dope, but nope
Always cautious with my cash, cuz my dad told me so
My rhyme will blow your foe away; I know the way
To freak it, so hoes know the "A"
Today's just another day for me to get paid
Invade the stage and retreat for the shade
Find me a top bread freak to get laid
Back when I'm masquerade, I get basquerade (???)
Direct from my spectrum to select from
Sex them, neglect them, then I'm on the the next one

(Yeah) Grab the money and run!
You gotta, get the girl, grab the money, and run!
You gotta, get the girl, grab the money, and run!
You gotta, get the girl, grab the money!

We dissin' rappers cuz I think I need to
We chillin' drinking 80 proof liters
Makin' skeezers say "ooh ahh", Let them know who crew robbed
Don't wanna shoo ya'll, Just wanna be makin' my loot
Life is best to trife, Strife, Is something inside, I guess
I confess my shit is fresh
We provide hits to care your stress
Which coincide with making "G's", so yes
You can say we've been blessed
To all the woman who are attractive
Come and holler at your folks if your testa are nonreactive
Big Phes, aman, come on and take it
Never leaving in a cashing state if mount lay
Before I gravitate, I'll wait
And see if emcees elaborate on something they might have to say
But they disaray, I watch them cascade to their last day
And cast away When they ask to say, A rash display
Under the gun, Get the girl, grab the money, and run
When I touch the microphone it gets flamin' hot
Niggas jumpin out the woodworks to claim our spot
I got the game locked down, Bound, And gagged
These other niggas are magnified the sound of a drag in an abominal effect
Make women weak in the knees and jet


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Interpretacja piosenki

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