Sway In The Morning - Eminem and Dilated Peoples Freestyle [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Sway In The Morning
Album: Wake Up Show Freestyles Vol. 5
Tekst: Eminem

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1: Eminem]
Peace to Thirstin Howl, A.L. and Wordsworth
My mother smoked crack, I had a premature birth
I'm just a nerd cursed, with badly disturbed nerves
Who wanna be the one to step up and get served first
Ninety-nine percent of aliens prefer Earth
So I'm here to rule the planet, starting with your turf
I hid a secret message inside of a wordsearch
With smeared letters, running together in blurred spurts
I hang with male chauvinist pigs and perverts
Who point water pistols at women and squirt shirts
Been a bad boy since diapers and Gerber's
My first words were bleep-bleep and curse-curse
Never had ish, and I still don't deserve dirt
My breath still stinks and I'm on my third Certs
Yanking out my stitches, hollering, nurse nurse
You said this shot would numb it, trick it just hurts worse
Grew up in a dump next door to a burnt church
But gunshots drowned out crickets and bird chirps
And it's like that, and it's like that

[Verse 2: Evidence]
Got no apathy
Yo, I platform my strategy, mix words in alchemy
Evidence, I won't get caught shot on the balcony
Between you and I, I'll tell you here's the diff
Gun to your head, you're dead, pointblank I shapeshift
That's right to dear, anelope, or owl
In life, use your potential, or Steve Howe
I'm about to call it quits, yo too much weight'll break your rack mount
The man'll make you move, yo so make your move a backout
You say I use my name too much as a clutch
Try holding on to beat instead of pushing on your crutch
Flipped it backwards, Evidence attack nerds off the head
Steadfast, right or left, don't matter see you coming
Deaf/Def like Leppards, pop the piece, I be the sheppard
Causing the herd, the name is Ev absurd
Verbs get flipped, it's like this, yo acronyms and all that
Methaphor imagery, you claiming metaphors and spitting similies
Not having it, the name is Evidence
Like Pos. K gibbin the life thinking of stabbing it
Skills prevail you possess, take no offense
But don't profess lies within your mind, tempt and stress

It's like uh-oh-oh
It's Dilated Peoples on the Wake Up Show-uh-oh
We kick a lick or some for the radio-uh-oh
Yo CaTashTrophic like Rico

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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