Ten Second Songs - Ten Second Songs - Starboy | 20 Style Cover [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Ten Second Songs
Data wydania: 2016-12-15
Producent: Max Martin, Ali Payami, Ali Shaheed, Doc McKinney, The Weeknd, Daft Punk, 85Swish, Boomin Prince, Mano Metro, OneLabrinth, Dukes Jake, Diplo Frank, Cat Cirkut, Cashmere, Raps, Blanco Bobby, Billions Benny, Muhammad Ben

Tekst piosenki

[The Weeked Style]
"I'm tryna put you in the worst mood, ah."
"P1 cleaner than your church shoes, ah."
"Milli point two just to hurt you, ah."
"All red Lamb’ just to tease you."
[Disturbed Style]
"None of these toys on lease too, ah."
"Made your whole year in a week too, yah."
"Main bitch out your league too, ah."
"Side bitch out of your league too, ah."
[Little Richard Style]
"House so empty, need a centerpiece."
"20 racks a table cut from ebony."
"Cut that ivory into skinny pieces."
"Then she clean it with her face man I love my baby."
[Madonna Style]
"You talking money, need a hearing aid."
"You talking bout me, I don't see the shade."
"Switch up my style, I take any lane."
"I switch up my cup, I kill any pain."
[Soundgarden Style]
"Look what you've done."
"I’m a starboy."
[Phil Collins Style]
"Look what you've done."
"I'm a starboy."
[Death Grips Style]
"Every day a somebody try to test me, ah."
"Every day a somebody try to end me, ah."
"Pull off in that Roadster SV, ah."
"Pockets overweight, gettin' hefty, ah."
[Shakira Style]
"Coming for the king, that's a far cry, ah."
"I come alive in the fall time, I."
"No competition, I don't really listen."
"I’m in the blue Mulsanne bumping New Edition."
[Soilwork Style]
"House so empty, need a centerpiece."
"20 racks a table cut from ebony."
"Cut that ivory into skinny pieces."
"Then she clean it with her face man I love my baby."
[Incudus Style]
"You talking money, need a hearing aid."
"You talking bout me, I don’t see the shade."
"Switch up my style, I take any lane."
"I switch up my cup, I kill any pain."
[Maxwell Style]
"Look what you've done."
"I’m a..."
[Sleeping With Sirens Style]
"Look what you've done."
"I'm a starboy."
[Machine Gun Kelly Style]
"Let a man Brad Pitt."
"Legend of the fall took the year like a bandit."
"Bought mama a crib and a brand new wagon."
"Now she hit the grocery shop looking lavish."
[Mystikal Style]
"Star Trek roof in that Wraith of Khan."
"Girls get loose when they hear this song."
"100 on the dash get me close to God."
"We don't pray for love, we just pray for cars."
[Jonny Cash Style]
"House so empty, need a centerpiece."
"20 racks a table cut from ebony."
"Cut that ivory into skinny pieces."
"Then she clean it with her face man I love my baby."
[Ella Fitzgerald Style]
"You talking money, need a hearing aid."
"You talking 'bout me, I don't see the shade."
"Switch up my style, I take any lane."
"I switch up my cup, I kill any pain."
[Muse Style]
"Look what you've done."
"I'm a..."
[Janet Jackson Style]
"Look what you've done."
"I'm a starboy."
[Dio Style]
"Look what you've done."
"I'm a starboy."
[Sade Style]
"Look what you've done."
"I'm a starboy."

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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