The LOX - In Too Deep [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: The LOX
Album: Too Gangsta For Radio, Too Gangsta for Radio
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: P Killer Trackz

Tekst piosenki

Yeah....P. Killer.....L-O-X....Ruff Ryders

Holiday Styles, catdaddy, show me the green
And if not, show me the work, show me the fiends
I be writin' in the week cause I know the routine
Pardon you, light grey off the martin'
Nickel the wheels, used to have to whistle for sales
And now I cop work and I be tippin' the scales
And I can make money for bail, sittin' in jail
Walk by the C.O., hittin' an L
Ayyo, this is for the industry, consider it rep
I'll diss any nigga you name, you give me a check
Old school, new school, hungry nigga not signed
He ain't sayin shit if he ain't talkin wit a Glock 9!
Please don't call the cops
We got beef, then the shells'll pop
I'm tryin' to hit you while you park
Hop in, push you over, take it up the block
But I know the jakes is comin', ya man'll snitch
Wakes is comin', so start gettin candles lit
I'ma show you how the hustlers, handle shit
I'll crack your head like a customer with grams and clip
Family shit, but ain't no picnics involved
Just a trip to the zoo..
Dressed in all brown, with a banger in your shoe
In too deep in the yard, wit a thousand niggas just like you, cocksucker

A thousand niggas just like you
Narcs is trying to crack down, coke went back down
It's hard to get green, but everybody got brown
They know I got the china for 15 in the diner
20 after 12 in the building, see the minors
Montega massacre
You run around buyin bundles, I get eggs from Africa
Burn the block for a year then I'm stashin' ya and snatch the truck
Creep by, wit half a Dutch
While they got you on the wall, I'm crackin' up
And the police can sense you shooken
When they ask you if you wanna cut 'em a deal, at central bookin
In the bullpen with dopeheads and niggas from Brooklyn
You scared to move, 'nother nigga wearin' ya jewels
By the time you get upstairs, he wearin' ya shoes
Got the blood ?cainettas? and niggas with the kufis
In the dayroom, blowin' each other like Lucys
Matter how big you are, or strong you are
Right or wrong you are; get along with star
'Kiss toe to toe wit you wit the cannon in your face
Motherfuck clappin', here's a standin ovation -BLAW!

[Sheek] {*overlapping last line*}
Sheek got niggas that'll, cover his tracks when he walkin' in mud
And use gats with no noise when he dealin' wit blood
But they bounce from one bone to the next, like bitches
Hole small enough to use Band-Aids, no stiches
Everything's eternal from my life to my journal
It's, deeper than, secrets, government keepin'
So bounce with me if you don't wanna, fall on the weekend
Or, die the weekend, literally, fly off the beacon
Talk slick, and get sent somethin' quick
Only nigga hard enough to look up to me? is my dick
My clique the boss, we don't take no loss
When we flow, the whole room smell like tabasco sauce
Come in your crib with somethin hot, dead in your brain
And watch your family jump around like the House Of Pain
All the numbers taken off my Benz, no name
Just tints on the window so you can't see through
While my gun is at your face like, "Peek-a-boo!"
I'm, teasin' you like an invisible string
Tied to a bag of money, when you reach? I'll pull
Clip hard to stay full, nigga, we in too deep
I rock niggas to sleep, like a Jew, I'm too cheap
Fuck a car show; I don't wanna be around nothing I can't keep
And I'm too 730 -- gimme your gun clean
It's comin' back to you dirty; nigga, watch the birdie


If you a player in the game and you in too deep
And you get knocked, yo, please don't snitch
[Jadakiss & P.K]
That's my word
Take your time like ya man do in front of the judge
Ayyo, dog, don't be no bitch
[Jadakiss & P.K]
Dog, ya heard?
Cause if we all get knocked then we all get locked
Word is bond, won't be no clique
[Jadakiss & P.K]
That's for real
Ayyo, sex, money, murder, music, and drugs
Big chains and plenty of whips
[Jadakiss & P.K]
That's all we know

Uh, N...I...pull it

What?....L-O-X........Double R.....P. Killer

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Interpretacja piosenki

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