T.I. - About The Money [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: T.I.
Album: Paperwork: The Motion Picture
Data wydania: 2014-06-04
Gatunek: Rap, Trap
Producent: London On Da Track

Tekst piosenki

[Produced by London On Da Track]

(We got London On Da Track) Whoa!
Yeah man, TIP in this motherfucker with me nigga
To the max with it, racks!
(I count six shots)

[Verse 1: Young Thug]
Bustin' out the bando
A nigga jewelry real metal like a can opener
I went from rags to riches to a feature with Tip
I went from a Smart Car to a bitch with some smart lips
And the F&N make my hip limp
I'm goin' fishin' with these little bitty shrimp dimps
And my bank roll got a big dip
She gon' bring it on a big ship
Quite trill, no QuikTrip
I got drugs in the alley, know Tip there
And, she just wanna have a good day
Smoke way more weed than a guy in L.A
I want them birds 'til next May
Never let em fly away
What!? Aye buddy, aye buddy
Listen what my nigga Tip say

[Hook: T.I.]
If it ain't about the money
Don't be blowin' me up, nigga I ain't gettin' up
If it ain't about the money
Ain't no use in you ringin' my line, stop wastin' my time
If it ain't about the money
Nah I can't even hear what you say, I ain't finna do shit
If it ain't about the money
Bitch, you can miss me with it, bitch nigga miss me with it
Turn it!

[Post-Hook: Young Thug]
I pack an 11, I pack an 11, ooh
I ride in a gator, my shoes are Giuseppe, ooh
I'm S.L.I.M.E. like the reverend, I shoot at the reverend, aye
Pants out the grocery store, they stuffed with lettuce, aye
She try make the extras, I tell on these bitches, hey
When it's bout time to pay, I'ma bail on these bitches, hey

[Verse 2: T.I.]
Ay ay ay, what you think we in the neighborhood for?
Standin' at the corner store with a pocket full of dough
I’ll be damned if a nigga wife a hood ho
Learned that from UGK back in "Pocket Full of Stones"
Put your money down, I could buck a hard 4
You playin' with it, I'ma send 'em through your car door
My watch flooded, shit sick, got Parvo
I'm doin' it for black and yellow, free Hardo
The head honcho, nigga no Tonto, nigga
I'm quick to put some bricks in a Bronco, nigga
Niggas talk shit, well I don't respond to no nigga
No murder, no dough, no convo nigga

[Hook: T.I.]
If it ain't about the money
Don't be blowin' me up, nigga I ain't gettin' up
If it ain't about the money
Ain't no use in you ringin' my line, stop wastin' my time
If it ain't about the money
Nah I can't even hear what you say, I ain't finna do shit
If it ain't about the money
Bitch, you can miss me with it, bitch nigga miss me with it
Turn it!

[Post-Hook: Young Thug]
I pack an 11, I pack an 11, ooh
I ride in a gator, my shoes are Giuseppe, ooh
I'm S.L.I.M.E. like the reverend, I shoot at the reverend, aye
Pants out the grocery store, they stuffed with lettuce, aye
She try make the extras, I tell on these bitches, hey
When it's bout time to pay, I'ma bail on these bitches, hey

[Verse 3: T.I.]
Ay, what you think we in the neighborhood for?
Standin in the trap, slangin good blow
Maybach used to slang that crack
Buy a stolen car while he bang that AK
If you ever took a loss better bring that back
Catcha' witcha' betcha' heat will blow your brains bout that
BA-BOW! Know you better be
On your best behavior when addressing me
Because, bye-gones, we don't let em be
Niggas disrespect me, I'm a catch a felony
For real, if you listen I can get you paid
But not interested in shit you say

[Hook: T.I.]
If it ain't about the money
Don't be blowin' me up, nigga I ain't gettin' up
If it ain't about the money
Ain't no use in you ringin' my line, stop wastin' my time
If it ain't about the money
Nah I can't even hear what you say, I ain't finna do shit
If it ain't about the money
Bitch, you can miss me with it, bitch nigga miss me with it
Turn it!

[Post-Hook: Young Thug]
I pack an 11, I pack an 11, ooh
I ride in a gator, my shoes are Giuseppe, ooh
I'm S.L.I.M.E. like the reverend, I shoot at the reverend, aye
Pants out the grocery store, they stuffed with lettuce, aye
She try make the extras, I tell on these bitches, hey
When it's bout time to pay, I'ma bail on these bitches, hey

[Outro: T.I.]
Ay ay ay, what you think we in the neighborhood for?
Standin' at the corner store with a pocket full of dough
I’ll be damned if a nigga wife a hood ho
Learned that from UGK back in "Pocket Full of Stones" nigga

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Interpretacja piosenki

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