T.I. - Sugar Cane [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: T.I.
Album: Paperwork: The Motion Picture
Data wydania: 2014-10-21
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Sak Pase, Ace Harris

Tekst piosenki

Charms 'em with some all of that and all of this (ay look at this)
Empty the bottle nigga let the Dom drip (there they go)
We leanin on these brick, this is all God give (ay, ay, ay)
Cuts and charms all on my wrist nigga (ay, ay)
Hotel linen (yeah) R.L. demin (yeah)
Propeller spinnin (yeah) nigga hella women (hey!)
Big money mayne (hey) get it how we livin mayne (hey)
How we did it mayne (hey) sweet sweet sugar cane
Trappin hard with the yay all times of the night
All times of the night, all times of the night
(How we did it mayne, sweet sweet sugar cane)
Trappin hard with the yay all times of the night
All times of the night, all times of the night
(How we did it mayne, sweet sweet sugar cane)
Trappin hard with the yay all times of the night
All times of the night, all times of the night
(How we did it mayne, sweet sweet sugar cane)
Trappin hard with the yay, trappin hard with the yay
All times of the night, trappin hard with the yay, ay
(How we did it mayne, sweet sweet sugar cane)

[Verse 1:]
Listen shawty I'ma tell you how it go
Quarter ki', seven G's
Anybody want it tell 'em pull up on me at the store
.45 in my jeans, super clean
You ain't never seen a nigga like this
Sun shinin on my wrist
Couple dimes in the whip, give a damn 'bout a bitch
Huh, but I will take yours if I wanna
You a sucker, you ain't goin' do shit
But just run yo' mouth
Be in front of yo' house with them goons, bet you won't come out
And you a scary ass nigga
Hold these, your homeboy to the Fed ass nigga
Hey I'm certified, better recognize
Fore you end up a dead ass nigga
I got a check, you can tell how my neck is shinin'
Tell 'em


[Verse 2:]
This life we live we do not care
If you at your momma house we'll have a shootout there
Hey, ain't gon' be no playin with the crew out there
Them animals on the loose and it's a zoo out there
Out here rollin where you at, we'll move out there
Network in no time, get a few out there
I got the chopper at the do', "Shawty who out there?
Aight, get your fuckin brain blew out now!"
Now I ain't playin where I stay, to take a life ain't shit
Get murked for a brick if your wife ain't shit
Bankrolls are us, we'll buy that shit
I keep it on me homie, rob and I will try that shit
Man you can ask about Tip on Simpson Road
We was ridin in the city; really gettin busy
Now a nigga wanna kick it like some thugs in the city
When they really wasn't sellin any drugs in the city
For real


What you want we got for you (hey, we got it)
You're not the rule, we not for you (nah shawty)
Wonder why we shut your door
You're not from here, do not go through

[Verse 3]:
I told you this
Shawty this as real as it get
How many times I done showed you this?
In the trap run a chick through the roof right now
I can show you this
Pick the rap with your bitch in the coupe right now
And I know you pissed
How many times I done told you this?
This life we 'bout it
This life we 'bout it
You can't do shit 'bout it, this life we 'bout it
This life we 'bout it
You can't do shit 'bout it, can't do shit 'bout it
Ha ha, ay

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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