TOKYO’S REVENGE - Cowboys and Aliens [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Data wydania: 2019-05-11
Producent: Cliiifford

Tekst piosenki

Hey do you see that?
Yeah I see that over there, what is that
Over there in the distance, over the mountain range
Like a flying, flying disc
[?] looks like a light coming down from the sky
What is that? What
Like a flying disc, what is that?
It has to be, hello?

Yeehaw on the pussy, told that bitch gitty up, go, I'ma sex tape
It’s an XVideo
So I told that bitch, you a bad like a billy goat
Nigga want beef, he could get it like an In N' Out
Dance in that bitch, and I Jackson no Janet
She call me papi, I needa learn Spanish
So the second I land it, God damnit I was granted like
Houston this nigga is not from this planet
Yeehaw on the pussy, told that bitch gitty up, go, I'ma sex tape
It’s an x video
So I told that bitch, you a bad like a billy goat
Nigga want beef, he could get it like an In N' Out
Dance in that bitch, and I Jackson no Janet
She call me papi, I needa learn Spanish
So the second I land it, God damnit I was granted like
Houston this nigga is not from this planet

Wow, What's up with it
You said you want smoke and you was with it
But you on your ass like you ducking it
He's a goon but he's scared of me jumping him
Bitch whatever, she grab me like play doh, uh
Bitch I'm a god call me Kratos, uh
Whip my dick out, and it's too big too handle
She need a map, Dora, Diego, uh
Ooh, too much drip on my dick, she swallow my meat up just like a xanny, uh
Lil right quick, you might kick
These niggas is pussy, I think they tranny, uh
That shit is funny, I caught him, forest he running
Gotta meet up with [?] Billy & Mandy, uh
[?] telling me that nigga stupid, he dummy
His bitch won't show me her cheeks, so I call her sandy, uh
That’s crazy, my bitch all aboard like mayday
Wanna [?] put her hands up like the nae nae
She gonna hang with my kids like a playdate
She like me cuz my diamonds [?]
And a nigga stay strapped up like Young MA
And I want the green, till I get a fucking MA
100 bad bitches [?] like head aye

Houston I’d like to say we got a fucking problem

Yeehaw on the pussy, told that bitch gitty up, go, I'ma sex tape
It’s an x video
I told that bitch, you a bad like a billy goat
If a nigga want beef, he could get it like an In N' Out
Dance in that bitch, and I Jackson no Janet
She call me papi, I needa learn Spanish
So the second I land it, God damnit I was granted like
Houston this nigga is not from this planet
Yeehaw on the pussy, told that bitch gitty up, go, I'ma sex tape
It's an x video
So I told that bitch, you a bad like a billy goat
If a nigga want beef, he could get it like an In N’ Out
Dance in that bitch, and I Jackson no Janet
She call me papi, I needa learn Spanish
So the second I land it, God damnit I was granted like
Houston this nigga is not from this planet

Um, yeah, we are seeing an unidentified cowboy, with red dreads
Coming down from a spaceship
Nasa we're gonna have to-
Houston we gotta do something about this, this is a motherfucking threat to humanity
Th-this is a motherfucking crisis, I-I'm going home, I'm fucking out, fuck this, I didn't sign up for this

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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