"Weird Al" Yankovic - Airline Amy [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Tekst piosenki

Met this pretty young stewardess on a non-stop flight
She showed me to my seat and it was love at first sight
Now lately I've been flying to all kinds of places
That I never really wanted to go
Cause I'll do anything just to spend a little time
With the cutest flight attendant I know
You set my ever-lovin' heart on fire, Airline Amy
Tell me I'm your favorite frequent flier, Airline Amy
Found a little piece of heaven on a 747
And no one else can take me higher than Airline Amy
Every one of our dates is at thirty thousand feet
She always points out the exits to me, she's so sweet
You know she gets me my headphones for free
Refills my coffee cup whenever I ask
And you gotta admit my baby looks pretty hot
When she's wearin' that oxygen mask
You set my ever-lovin' heart on fire, Airline Amy
Tell me I'm your favorite frequent flier, Airline Amy
Found a little piece of heaven on a 747
And no one else can take me higher than Airline Amy
Amy, darlin', don't you know, you really drive me nuts
Every time you're handing out those honey roasted peanuts
Airline Amy, this is my new mission
Gotta get you in an upright locked position
You set my ever-lovin' heart on fire, Airline Amy
Tell me I'm your favorite frequent flier, Airline Amy
Found a little piece of heaven on a 747
And no one else can take me higher than Airline Amy
You set my ever-lovin' heart on fire, Airline Amy
You're the only woman I desire, Airline Amy
Found a little piece of heaven on a 747
And no one else can take me higher
No one else can take me higher
And no one else can take me higher than Airline Amy

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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