YoungBoy Never Broke Again - Drawing Symbols [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: YoungBoy Never Broke Again
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

Dubba A flex
Drawin' symbols in the sand 'til my pain gone, baby
Movin' onto the land where the gate close, baby
This is the sound

[Verse 1]
They say Kentrell got a baby, he ain't nothin' but thirteen
They told me that he needed love, he couldn't pay for what he need
They said he said he don't feel love and he so caught in these streets
They say he plottin' to kill himself because he just wanna leave
Plus he ain't happy with himself 'cause what he want he can't keep
He feel like he won't make it out because his problems too deep
He had a shootout in the south, his friend got hit with that heat
He startin' to have some crazy thoughts, he put tattoo's on his sleeve
He got one tatted by his eye, it symbolizes Nene
He swear to never tell no lie 'cause that's not what he believe
He keep a pistol when he ride but still feel like he gon' leave
They say that girl not on his side because he gave her her peace

They say he drawin' symbols in the sand 'til his pain gone, baby
They say he movin' onto the land where the gate close, baby
They say he drawin' symbols in the sand 'til his pain gone, baby
They say he movin' onto the land where the gate close, baby

[Verse 2]
They say his miss just walked in on him, he was playin' with some fire
They say he mentioned to his nigga he might blow out his mind
Say he been lookin' real suspicious, they can tell he been cryin'
They say he steady waiting on somethin', he keep his eyes on the time
They hear the headphones on his head playin' Luther Vandross, baby
They read his wall it was written it was written in hand he got a dead soul, baby
They say he headed onto the land to hear his grandma talk, baby
He said they don't understand who I am, they all think I'm goin' crazy

They say he headed onto the land where the gate close, baby
They say he drawin' symbols in the sand 'til his pain gone, baby
I say I'm drawin' symbols in the sand 'til my pain gone, baby
I say I'm headed onto the land where the gate close, yeah

[Verse 3]
They say go get that out his hand, he on the porch with a choppa
They say he took like 7 Xans, he say he's helpin' his problems
He say he cannot trust a girl, he got no love for his momma
And he got used while he was up, he feel he back at the bottom
They say his body actin' up, he don't want go to the doctor
They say they see he givin' up, he don't want no talk 'bout no dollar
His only trust is for to run cause his past gon' follow
They say this nigga dressin' crazy, he won't put down his collar

They say he headed onto the land where the gate close, baby
They say he drawin' symbols in the sand 'til his pain gone, baby
I say I'm drawin' symbols in the sand 'til my pain gone, baby
I say I'm headed onto the land where the gate close, baby

Drawin' symbols in the sand 'til the pain gone, baby
This is the sound
Movin' onto the land where the gate close, baby
I say I'm drawin' symbols in the sand 'til my pain gone, baby
I say I'm headed onto the land where the gate close, baby

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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"Drawing Symbols" to główny singiel nadchodzącej składanki YoungBoy Never Broke Again pt. "38 Baby 2". Teledysk do tej piosenki został wydany 14 sierpnia 2018 roku.


W utworze YoungBoy opisuje swoją własną niespokojną przeszłość i skłonność do myśli samobójczych. Jego problemy są zbyt głębokie, aby mógł je w pełni zrozumieć. Rysowanie symboli na piasku przybliża go do śmierci. Jednak nie jest to czas na odejście.


W opisie teledysku do tej piosenki uwzględnione są słowa: "wszystko było fałszywe, wiedziałem, że nigdy naprawdę nie poznamy kogoś wartościowego w tym życiu; żyjemy w nim chłodno, aby być gotowi na śmierć, karma nigdy nie przegapiła nikogo, ha, jeśli to czytasz cześć Żegnaj." Od 19 sierpnia teledysk zaliczył 6 milionów wyświetleń - średnio ponad milion wyświetleń dziennie - i ta liczba wciąż szybko rośnie.

Lub dodaj całkowicie nową interpretację - dodaj interpretację
Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść poprawki musi być wypełniona. Dziękujemy za wysłanie poprawki.
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